Does it seem that all the user requests seem to be available in the Axe Fx II?

  • Christoph, not trying to rag on the Kemper. I think it's genius. It sounds fantastic and is a great tool. There are some things that I would like to see implemented, but I know you've given a lot of thought to most of these things. Just wanted to make that clear.

    Looking at the title of the thread, I think probably shouldn't have started it on a Kemper forum. You probably get tired of people comparing these boxes.

  • Hey man, I'm a user and am making the requests

    Have you tried the Harmonizer and Pitch FX in the Kemper, or the CK Leslie which CK personally created miking a real Leslie with two SM57s?...are those FX in the Axe-FX11, does the Axe have 'Formant Shift' and 'Pure Tuning' options?
    Can the Axe make Profiles? don't need to mic your own amps, you don't need to own any amps.
    The tones and amps you hear in your Kemper are only there because of the Profiling other unit can catch up with the array of different amps the Kemper offers, and new amp Profiles are added everyday.

    In other words, the Kemper has it's own features that are completely unique to the digital guitar tone world, enjoy them when you play your Kemper..

  • A nice italian song said "If there weren't flowers, could you ever imagine them?"

    Nothing strange that people ask features present in the Axe Fx.
    That's why people on the FAS forum asked for something like profiling (Cliff bashed it at first, but after that he had to implement something similar).

    That's a direct result of competition: you own a piece of gear which is upgradable, so you ask the manufacter to upgrade it in order to have some features that you miss (or you think to miss) from the competitor's product, just because that's what you see on the market.

    The best part of this rush is that there are some features (like formant shift) which are completely new and unthinkable from common user.
    Of course there are some original requests too, but this explains pretty clear what the OP asks.

  • The problem with comparing the two boxes is that they are both good units. I landed on this side of the fence because I believe that profiling an amp tone gives me the actual core sound that I want straight away. Kemper have always given the idea that 'we've got this right and it won't change because it's already perfect'. On the Axe we have modelling that claimed to be perfect and then claims to be more perfect with every release which changes everyone's patches ;)

    When you read requests here it is always for extras or occasionally to report a specific bug which needs fixing. You don't see posts asking for better core sound because our ears tell us the claim of Kemper is correct.

    With bugs, this board seems to get responses from Don pretty quickly and help is given / patches promised and delivered.

    With features, it's obvious that they have limited resources and have to decide very carefully where to put their time. This will inevitably mean some users feel better looked after than others as some requests will seen to go ignored. It's a shame they take time - I'd love an editor / librarian and the ability to put reverb and delay (of more variety including spring) in any fx slot rather than having the delay / reverb chain at the end set..... Reverb before trem? Yes please for certain things etc. When I miss these things, I have to remind myself that nothing is perfect but the core tones in this thing pretty much are..... These features all have hope of being added and the company obviously want to make the box as attractive as possible to any potential user.

    So I agree it's good to feed back features to the company - making a fantastic box even better is good for us users and good for the company in terms of happy user base / more attractive product = more sales. But asking for it by comparing with Axe is not 100% apples with apples comparison because of the above.

    Another reason I mentioned the profiling vs modelling for the core tone of the unit is because 'at least Kemper can spend it's time adding stuff not trying to improve the main tone'. So all their time they have on this system will be spent on features and bug fixes which means cool stuff can come quicker than it would if they were still improving the core.

    I hope they eventually add the delay you want or you're able to get it 99% with the box as it is :). But I think there are more useful things to add that would help lots of users as opposed to this which seems to have specific use for one song really? Again, fair enough to ask but in light of it being a bit 'niche' it may not be top of their list! In any case, if delay is your absolute passion then really you need to grab a Timeline and put it in the loop :). I think the delays in the Kemper are great 'vanilla' delays but a dedicated thing like the timeline allows reverse, shimmer, tremolo on the delay etc. and you can of course put it before the amp stack in an fx slot if you wish or post stack very easily.

  • That's why people on the FAS forum asked for something like profiling (Cliff bashed it at first, but after that he had to implement something similar).

    Since tone matching has been available for musicians at least 15 years or more it's interesting to see how Fractal is trying to market tone matching as their own new invention and trying hard to get users to think that it's the same thing as profiling, which of course it isn't.
    Tone matching can only copy an eq curve from the source, no dynamics at all. Profiling copies all dynamics like gain, distortion, tube compression, attack, and eq from the source. No other product on the market can do that.

    Many years ago some axe fx owners who used tone matching in their DAW requested this feature by fractal. This was long before the kemper or profiling was released. It took fractal several years to implement tone match eq copy, and when the kemper profiling was released before it was implemented Cliff's frustration was seen in so many posts on the forums. Thousands of users wanted the ax fx to have this new profiling technology and the pressure was high on fractal. So Cliff chose to market it as "our own profiling" and he claims that profiling is 99% tone match and is inferior in so many ways. Looking at the fas forum and elsewhere some users actually believe this false marketing. And yes Cliff still bash the kemper trying hard to make users stay away from it. It's a bit sad to see how far a man can go trying to gain market share, but it's also good comedy material.

    Edited once, last by orko ().

  • The 9/32 value isn't correct either, basically it's a 510ms delay (for the 125.5 bpm album version) but 9/32 is the closest you get with this n/16 or n/32 system in mind. I will post demo clips tonight or tomorrow. If you use a tap tempo delay with 3/16 and 5/16, it will get a staccato like touch, with a 3/16 and 510ms delay, it will get the right groove for this 4/4 vs. 6/4 masterpiece.

    I really have to wonder about CK. Your answer and the accusations regarding me are ridiculous. I already know that you always question everything and everybody all the time, just like you're the only one in the know and the only one able to analyze things. You're not, others have ears and tools as well.

  • Lightbox, I appreciate your info man. I too was taken back by CKs response to you. In away I understand because it's natural to defend your product that you designed. It's an excellent product, but it has room to grow. Cliff with the axe does the same thing because he too gets defensive about his products. However, all you are trying to do is help.

  • Cliff with the axe does the same thing because he too gets defensive about his products. However, all you are trying to do is help.

    dmbandtimmy I'm a user of both units and both Cliff and Christoph are very passionate about their creations but there are big differences in their business ethics. What is important to know is that Cliff, unlike any company CEO, use illegal FUD marketing tactics and also make up actual lies about a competing product on his forum. Look up all those threads and posts.
    Any user who tries to expose cliff and quote him or question his lies on TGP or FAS forum will be censored, deleted and banned. same moderator on FAS and TGP. Thankfully this forum and most other gear forums are censor free in these matters and we can speak about these things. Gear users will always argue that their product is better, but when a company owner do this to other brands it's a very serious matter and companies do get in legal trouble for such behaviour.
    FUD = Fear, uncertainty and doubt.,_uncertainty_and_doubt

    Btw, I can recommend watching Mauritzio70's U2 videos and kemper profiles, they are very nice!!
    U2 and The EDGE tone with the KEMPER ????? YES!!! ... it's REALLY possible!!!!!!!

  • Here is how I feel. Kemper made a great product a year ago when I brought it. I don't care at all what the AXE has to offer its more expensive than the kemper anyway. If they didn't add any new features in the year I have had it I would still be really happy. I think its awesome that they keep improving it and adding extra features but if they didn't it wouldn't bother me anyway :)

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  • Lightbox, dmbandtimmy,

    If you guys need a 9/32, find a solution, not a fight. The KPA can force a Stereo Delay to be Mono in output. Solution.

    Tune the delays as typically suggested and ask your buddies if you nailed it. Or record along with the record and post them and make the point it doesn't work.

    When you have a solution and make millions in a U2 cover band, you can afford both units, then ask someone in the audience if they give, and twitter the result.

  • Fortunately, money isn't the issue. There just isn't a need for both. I enjoy guitar as a hobby. Lightbox was just trying to help me out. Neither of us were trying to start a fight on the interwebs. Just making an observation and requesting things on the appropriate section the forum. This made my decision pretty strait forward, which is nice. So no worries about my requests. Those of you with an axe. I'll see you on the forums. Pumped. Just ordered my foot controller.

  • +1 The Mauritzio kemper U2 videos are killer!

    Where the Streets, I Still Haven't Found, With Without You

    Sunday Bloody, 11 O Clock, New Year's Day

    Twilight, I Will Follow, Rejoice

    Wire, Pride, Bad

  • Hey fellas, long day at work. Had to get on some people and I'm swamped. Just got back from teaching youth group, man I wish I still had the energy of those kids. Delay is a big part of worship music and I don't want to have to add a timeline etc. Right now I'm using my DD5 in the loop, but due to family and work I haven't had much time to work things out.

    I decided I'm going to ride the Kemper wave. It's a great tool. I just hope for a toot controller and a librarian and more options to add serial and parallel delays.

    I appreciate lightbox's contribution and hope Christoph takes these ideas into consideration.

  • The 9/32 value isn't correct either, basically it's a 510ms delay (for the 125.5 bpm album version) but 9/32 is the closest you get with this n/16 or n/32 system in mind. I will post demo clips tonight or tomorrow. If you use a tap tempo delay with 3/16 and 5/16, it will get a staccato like touch, with a 3/16 and 510ms delay, it will get the right groove for this 4/4 vs. 6/4 masterpiece.

    I really have to wonder about CK. Your answer and the accusations regarding me are ridiculous. I already know that you always question everything and everybody all the time, just like you're the only one in the know and the only one able to analyze things. You're not, others have ears and tools as well.

    I am aware that I'm not the only one that has ears.
    This is why I initially asked you on monday if you can *hear* this delay. Before asking this question, I extensively searched the net about this 9/32 phenomenon. I could not find a single quote from an individual confirming that a second delay at about this timing exists. I cannot hear it, and you did not confirm this as well. I am missing a conclusion like: "That second delay adds a nice 32th rythm aspect or an interesting flam to the main notes, that is the icing on the cake."

    I think it is a normal issue that in a forum where the designers go into dialog with users, concepts are critizied and defended.
    First of all, I was defending Don. His 5/16 proposal is an artistic option for creating even a wider delay for the Edge/Gilmour playing style in general. It was never ment to replace a possible delay setting in the specific song "Where the streets have no name".
    But in general I am fighting against all kinds of myth spreading, that is very strong in the guitar world, unfortunately. Myth spreading irritates newbies, as it can be followed well in this thread.
    I am aware that many questionable facts are not questioned by the majority, that is why the spreading works so well. I go and question it. If it finally turns out to be a fact, what I thought was a myth, I am happy, since I learned a new fact, including the background story. Analyzing technical myths - if finally true or not - is an integral part of my job. It's how the Profiler was invented.

    It is good that you have opened a new thread with your clips. Are you interested in a word from me or shall we wait for others to comment?

  • [quote='dmbandtimmy','index.php?page=Thread&postID=123002#post123002']Have you tried the Harmonizer and Pitch FX in the Kemper, or the CK Leslie which CK personally created miking a real Leslie with two SM57s?...are those FX in the Axe-FX11, does the Axe have 'Formant Shift' and 'Pure Tuning' options?
    Can the Axe make Profiles? don't need to mic your own amps, you don't need to own any amps.
    The tones and amps you hear in your Kemper are only there because of the Profiling other unit can catch up with the array of different amps the Kemper offers, and new amp Profiles are added everyday.

    In other words, the Kemper has it's own features that are completely unique to the digital guitar tone world, enjoy them when you play your Kemper..

    Getting my Kemper tomorrow. The anticipation is killing me. I like effects and all those things as much as the next guy but the reason I bought the Kemper is because tone and amps I could never possibly afford are now going to be on my desk. I just sold my MB Lonestar Special. It had only reverb and cost close to $2000. I loved it but when I saw one of the profiles was of the same amp I had++++ thousands more it was a no brainer. Sold all my equip to buy the Kemper and I'm sure I'll never look back. I play in a worship band and all those effects are important. But I just consider them icing on the cake. Just think about it, I spent more on 1 amp than a thousand in the Kemper. The best purchase I ever made. :thumbup:

  • Hey fellas, long day at work. Had to get on some people and I'm swamped. Just got back from teaching youth group, man I wish I still had the energy of those kids. Delay is a big part of worship music and I don't want to have to add a timeline etc. Right now I'm using my DD5 in the loop, but due to family and work I haven't had much time to work things out.

    I decided I'm going to ride the Kemper wave. It's a great tool. I just hope for a toot controller and a librarian and more options to add serial and parallel delays.

    I appreciate lightbox's contribution and hope Christoph takes these ideas into consideration.

    I'm happy that you have decided to keep the Profiler! And yes, we will have improvements for the delay in the future.
    I will not take the actual discussion into consideration, as it is appears to be a pure technical dispute and lacks any musical value.

    The Tap Delay as it is was especially designed with the delay concept of TheEdge/Gilmour in mind. I am a big fan of both. The concept of having multiples of 16th directly available, including rarely used time divisions like 5/16 and 7/16, that have no known musical symbol, expands the rythmic capabilities and complexity even beyond the commonly used delay settings. This concept was first released 15 years ago in our Access Virus synthesizer and has made its way since then onto countless recordings. However, you will rarely find these interesting settings on other delays still.

    Here are some combinations for the left and right Clock of the Tap Delay, that produce an authentic rhythm delay with the famous dotted feeling, and a complex stereo field.

    3/16 + 3/16 (Thats the basic one, the next three are quite common)
    3/16 + 1/16
    3/16 + 2/16
    3/16 + 4/16
    3/16 + 5/16 (More challenging from here)
    3/16 + 6/16
    3/16 + 7/16
    5/16 + 3/16

    Since maintain the timing is challenging, when you play on your own, let a drum pattern accompaign you on the desired tempo, and don't forget to tap that said tempo on the Profiler.
    In case you never played such a delay: Only play 8th notes on your guitar, the delay will fill the gaps between your notes with 16th. The trick is that this will not happen by the next 16th, but delayed by another 8th notes (16th + 8th equals to a dotted 8th or 3* 16th, that is the 3/16)
    The Profilers delays become a Ping Pong delay, when the left and right times differ. The feedback is taken from the left delay and its timing. Thus reversing the left and right values will result in a different delay pattern.

    What is your favourite setting?

    Edited 2 times, last by ckemper ().