anybody have a 'best of' of the rig exchange?

  • Now this is what I'm looking for, someone who shares his profile recommendation after spending some real time listening. There are so my profiles on RE but I only choose very few. I'd like to search for more but work is the hindrance. Many thanks db9091.

  • All,

    So whilst I aprpeciate its down to what you like rather than votes, as a new users it's good to get a starting point.

    The problem with the rating is it's based on who has used them and then bothered to rate. Plus everyone is using ther Kemper in a dfferent way.

    What would be good is just a simple list that people can contribute to that covers useage ( live or Studio, FRFR or guitar cab etc), music style/gain level, single coil or humbucker users and other settings ( e.g. cab monitor off, volume at x db).

    Don't get me wrong, the rig exchange is brilliant but it's still a lot to go through and I think you get sound "blind" after 20 or 30 rigs anyway.

    I am going to go through a few peoples favourites on this thread which has been massively helpful so even just to continue this thread on peoples's no different then people sharing fav amp settings..

    Another perspective - My mate is very inetrested in a Kemper but is worried it's too complex to get a good sound. He's basically said, when I get mine set up he would like it set very similar - this is becuase we aren't sound engineers and as a lowly guitarist we sometimes struggle to understand all aspects of sound. We know what we like but not necessarily how to get there. Whilst I like the challenge and the exclusivity of the Kemper, it would open up a massive market if the sounds were straight out of the box. I know the signal chain issues etc all come into that but those are discussions you rarely have when buying a regular amp and sometimes adding this in just makes decisions worse rather than better. I suspect most people who sell their Kempers is becuase they can't set it up..

    From day one I knew that if I get a bad sound, it's my fault rather than the Kempers' :)

  • To me, the Kemper is easier to use than a regular amp. It comes with the same controls on the front (you don't HAVE to dip deeper into power sagging etc.), and a lot of the factory rigs sound great without any tweaking, as they've been profiled with good 'in the ballpark' sounds dialled in on the original amps. I've found that different guitars/pickups are the biggest reason as to whether a rig 'works' or not.


  • Hi Sam,

    I've struggled to be honest. I had a gig Sat, had a profile I thought was sounding good at home ( a JCM 800) and for some reason it at volume it didn't sound very good - very muddy.

    It wasn't eq as we played with this ( otehr guitarist, bass player who is a sound engineer and me ) and still couldn't get it to sound good. So, changed profiles and it was better but did this 2 mins before we started playing. Yes this could happen with a regular amp but you usually know that the basic sound is good.

    I know it's about discovery and time with it but with a regualr amp with less choice and variables does limit to user error factor, which I fully accept as m

    BTW - I was really stressed pre gig becuase I hadn't had enough time to set it up..and it feels like you need that time.

    Sorry not explaining this very well.....but any help with suggested profiles does help, particualr if they are for similar set up's so you at least have a chance of starting wiith a good basic sound.

    Sounds like I don't like my Kemper, but I do. Just not found the sounds 100% that I want yet...I will get there but this is where otehr users can be really useful..

    Thank goodness for the forum :)

  • No one expects a tube amp to sound the same when it is quiet, especially if it is a gain sound. So, we adjust and EQ them at the volume we are going to use them. Turn them down, the sound changes.

    If you audition Kemper sounds at gig volume, and you like the sound, they will sound good at gig volume. BUT, after you have done that, the Kemper sounds will still sound good when the volume is turned down.

  • V8 maybe try going back to those rigs that sounded muddy and if they are high gain try adding clarity in the amplifier section. All my high gain patches have around 4.5 on clarity, probably not many others do this but every note I hit is there and clear but I still get that gain in my tone.

  • Cheers Booyah. Lash sent me some setting which I am playing with.

    Paults - On balance I think it might have been the cab - it was borrowed. Becuase it was the first gig with it, I wasn't sure if it was the cab or profile. Having gone back home and now rehearsed with my cab, I think that was it. I didn't think the cab would have such an effect as it was supposed to be a good one...hmmm.

    Part of this is getting used to the sound as well, just becuase it's different - a lot clearer.. Had a rehearsal Tuesday and wasn't sure but the rest of the band really liked it...

    Morale of the story - I don't seem to have a clue about guitar sounds, so trust other people instead :)

    Thanks again smile is growing

  • My favorites are always the profiles made by R.U.Sirius. He does a great job at profiling and always gives a very good range of the amps sound. Number 1 on the list of his profiles would be the Bogner Shiva, a close second would be the Diezel Schmidt.

    “When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace.”

  • Quote

    Paults - On balance I think it might have been the cab - it was borrowed. Becuase it was the first gig with it, I wasn't sure if it was the cab or profile. Having gone back home and now rehearsed with my cab, I think that was it. I didn't think the cab would have such an effect as it was supposed to be a good one...hmmm.

    I put my Kemper through a cab...but even with the same cab every time, the room makes a massive difference. I change the Output eq to match the room at every gig and it makes a massive difference - and it's global so perfect for me. So, I crank the guitar, go through the rigs on a performance I am very familiar with and decide if my venue is neutral or bassy or trebly.....and tweak my eq to suit.....for me personally it works an absolute treat.

    My last gig the hall was very trebly so I had adjusted the output eq to compensate.....I forgot and turned the Kemper on in the rehearsal room.....sounded muddy and awful.....adjusted the output eq back to neutral and it was perfect again......

    Hope that helps.


  • My favorites are always the profiles made by R.U.Sirius. He does a great job at profiling and always gives a very good range of the amps sound. Number 1 on the list of his profiles would be the Bogner Shiva, a close second would be the Diezel Schmidt.

    Yup! As a start i can recommend profiles by R.U. Sirius and MiLla. Excellent stuff! I use RM a lot these days. I take a clean sound (recorded via SPDIF) and reamp it with the preview function of RM, while the song is playing in my DAW. Good method to check sounds out which fit this particular song.

    My occupation: showing teenagers the many hidden secrets of the A-minor chord on the guitar.