Just uploaded 2 JCM800(2205) Profiles to Rig Exchange

  • My Kemper pack for the 2205 is in the works, and I've just uploaded 2 versions of it through the Mesa 4x12 OS to the Rig Exchange.

    Mago-JCM800-2005 03

    First one is profiled with an Ibanez Tube Screamer 09. Both the amp and the screamer are from around '82.

    The other one is without the TS.

    The one with the TS is tweaked for a Metal type of tone. The 800 and the Mesa are pretty mid heavy together, but I didn't want the mic position to be too harsh or scooped, so I had to tweak the profile to make it work.
    The one without isn't as tweaked, works for rock kind of stuff.



    (excuse the sloppy playing and tuning, strings are old and won't hold the tuning anymore)

    I'm still pulling together the pack, I want to profile it through 2 other cabs as well, that may fit the Jcm a bit better than the Mesa.
    Check it out and tell me what you think!

    If they suck I won't include them in the pack obviously haha

  • Hey good job on these, probably the best 2205 profiles I've heard yet. I cringed when you said it was through a Mesa v30 cab, so tired of people pairing Marshall's with these cabs because they don't work well together, but I think you tweaked it just right so that I didn't notice and got the best qualities of both amp and cab!

    Also I find when people add the TS, you get this funny tunnel-wah sound in the Kemper, but I don't hear it at all here. Great job!
    Can't wait for the pack, thank you!

  • Thanks a lot!
    haha yeah I know what you mean with the cringe...I never tried it myself to hook up a marshall through the mesa oversize...I've heared awesome clips from Lasse, but a) most of them where through the traditional (stilletto) and not the rectifier (oversize) and b) Lasse makes everything sound awesome lol

    But I know what you mean...that combination is a mid-monster with not a lot of highs...not a lot of settings and mic positions wanted to work with that setup, so I won't include a lot of that in the pack, only the ones that sound good.

    I'm planning to also profile through a Marshall 1960 and a Marshall 1960x (the ones with the old greenbacks), should lead to a lot more useable profiles.

    I also did a couple through a Randall 4x12 with V30, but I have yet to test if they stand the ground compared to the other packs. No use to include anything that sounds worse.

    Interesting, a couple of other people mentioned that TS thing too. I have no idea what I do differently than others while profiling tho, I never ran into that sort of wah-ish sounding issues

  • Interesting, a couple of other people mentioned that TS thing too. I have no idea what I do differently than others while profiling tho, I never ran into that sort of wah-ish sounding issues

    It says right in the manual not to do it ;) I tried it and it sounded horrible. Maybe it depends on type, I have a Green Monkey which I use to goose my Marshall.

  • also that was mentioned to me before, but I couldn't find that section in the manual, until now.

    My guess is that the profiler can't handle it, when a lot of distortion comes from the TS. I mostly use it as a boost+shaping the tone with the EQ curve the TS has...
    Drive is mostly off on hi gain profiles, I think the most I had it at the jcm profiles was 9 o clock or so

  • Try this: Clear the search field. Click on search button. Then do a sort on "from" field. It will sort everything by date. It will take a few seconds for it to complete. If the oldest rigs show up 1st, hit "from" again and it will sort in the opposite direction. Once you have the rigs sorted by date (most recent first), look down about 8 or 9 rigs and you should see them (July 14th).

    As a side note: They show up when I do a search.

    All of the above assumes you are using Rig Exchange on the internet and not looking at Rig Exchange rigs within Rig Manager (PC app). If you are using Rig Manager and you can't find the rigs, then your Rig Manager is not fully synced with Rig Exchange.

  • I got it but it's weird. I had to find it by the date. Even after I found it I copied the exact name of the profile and searched and again it didn't come up. But I guess all that matters is that I have it now and thank you for a GREAT profile!!!