wah effect transition

  • There are some good wah's within the KPA. But the parameters make it difficult. I find it very hard to get a smooth transition in going from deep to high in the efffect because of the parameters that affect each other so much: manual - peak - pedal range - peak range. I always get other frequencies somewhere in the middle or signals are cut off halfway or leave no sound left pressing to toe.
    What is the best parameters starting point for a good sounding smooth transition wah (like Kemper 01 - 02) without those non workable strange frequencies between 0 and 100?

  • Hi Sam,

    I've read the whole thread several times (incl. your contribution) but I'm not sure I understand it all. Are there coming a bunch of "preset" wah's to the KPA, all done by Don Peterson? Would be awesome! If yes, how to get them? And what about the Kemper 01 and 02 wah? My question was about the influence of the different parameters to each other and to understand how they work.

  • actually, the parameters are quite ingenious, since they break down the behaviour of a wah pedal in very few, easily controlled parameters.
    I suggest looking up the wah in the user manual in case you haven't already.

    anyway, a quick rundown would be:
    Manual - this determines the lower limit (heel) (try ~3.5)
    Peak - higher values -> more pronounced, 'sharper' wah effect (try ~7.5)
    Pedal Range - determines the upper limit (toe) (+30% is a good starting point)
    Peak Range - how does the resonance behave when sweeping from heel to toe (normaly here you see a negative value, try ~-40%)
    the rest should be self explanatory (there is a 2nd and 3rd page of parameters)

    btw. I have no idea what you describe with "I always get other frequencies somewhere in the middle or signals are cut off halfway or leave no sound left pressing to toe."
    Is you Pedal Mode set to "Bypass @ Toe"? Put it on "Bypass @ Stop" or simply "On"


    the preset settings mentioned in the other thread are not present as presets yet - you have to put in the values by hand and save the setting yourself.
    for now ;)

  • ">

    btw. I have no idea what you describe with "I always get other frequencies somewhere in the middle or signals are cut off halfway or leave no sound left pressing to toe."
    Is you Pedal Mode set to "Bypass @ Toe"? Put it on "Bypass @ Stop" or simply "On"

    If you set Peak Range too high, I think, the upper end of the wah's sweep seems to go outside the audible frequency range.