Weeeell, I finally took the plunge

  • Hi everyone!

    After selling my 5150 III I finally took the step and bought my Kemper and 2 Yamaha HS8 monitors. And right out of the box I must say....THIS THING SOUNDS MORE THEN AMAZING! It's dead on to my old amp, and dare I say even better.

    So I can only conclude one thing....money. well. spent. I'm looking forward to immersing myself in the Kemper community and share lots of great experiences with you guys.

    ROCK ON! :D

  • It gets better.

    My AHA moment was hearing it alongside a regular tube amp, but while the regular tube amp sounded amazing, the Kemper not only sounded equally amazing, but was able to just go from amp to amp to amp.

    It was then I realized that no single amp can hold it's own to a jack-of-all-amps Kemper.


  • It's exactly that. I had an EVH 5150III 50watt with a 112 cab, and even that was too loud I could not practise late at night without disturbing my neighbours. I'm still a ''learning'' guitarist and not yet good enough for a band. Yet I needed something that would allow me to sound amazing at lower volumes that would be future proof. So naturally I ended up @ modelling/profiling. I simply refused to go line6...since their products hold little to no value and sound really bad to my ears, and an AxeFX is just too damn expensive, and before you end up having a good sound you have to spend weeks and weeks of tweaking. So then the Kemper came along! and after a bit of consideration I decided maybe it was worth my time doing some research while I sold my Amp. And after a couple of days watching video's and reading up on reviews and comparisons I was more and more amazed by the abilities of this little toaster shaped device.

    My amp sold very quickly and I got an amazing price for it since it still was minty and had a pair flightcases (actually 450 euro's more then I paid for it at the time), and due to a sweet discount at my local music retailer I was able to get my Kemper for E1440,- About what I got for my EVH. I hooked it up, took it for a spin and my oh my how amazing it sounds. I am completely convinced that this is the way of the future, and I dont think I will ever use a tube amp indoors again.
    It might have been quite an investment, even more so for a guitarist that is still learning...but I do believe that with this piece of kit I can create exactly the tone that hear in my head, and will be completely set for my future as an aspiring metal-guitar player :D

  • Through my musical journey I've often felt that I needed to be at a certain skill or experience level before buying good gear.

    I now realize this is a mistaken feeling. If you can afford something that is what you want, need, and inspires you to boot, that IS the best gear to get.

    I really liked my Tonelab, Pods, so-so on the 11R, and ULTRA, but nothing has gotten me playing so much as the Kemper.

    So the added benefit is it will entice you to play more, which is the only way to get better. But you know what? Every guitarist thinks they have quite a lot more to learn. Even Clapton I'm sure thinks this way. That part of the brain never ends. So enjoying the JOURNEY is what matters.

    The Kemper will also save you a lot of time and money from searching/buying/selling gear like I went through with amps and pedals.

  • Absolutely! I bought my EVH after going trough a JCM2000 combo, a Powerball with a 412 cab (BIGGEST mistake ever LOL) and a 6505+ combo. I sold all of them with a bit of profit...so no harm done. but its was indeed an issue that I always felt my sound was lacking, even with my EVH I felt that I would like to have a reverb, OD, etc...but pedals were just so darn expensive Buying a Kemper has solved all these problems for me, and I couldn't be happier :D

  • Welcome King Echelon! :)

    Every guitarist thinks they have quite a lot more to learn. Even Clapton I'm sure thinks this way.

    I've just seen a documovie about the making of the Robert Johnson tribute album, he said he had to work a couple of weeks every day in order to perform a certain song, and he's not yet on par with RJ... Diabolic! 8o
