Are you using browser mode? Help!

  • The remote seems to skip around while trying to program in browser mode.

    What is the midi numbering convention for the 5 buttons? Is midi 0 at play here on button 1?
    please help us with a map for browser mode.
    Is it possible to have more than one midi number assigned to a profile?
    I sure wish the remote could display the midi number of the profile!!!!!

    performance mode works ok but it's hard to tweak and compare an amp sound on the fly and quickly level match profiles.

    Powered Rack / Windows 10

  • Thanks!
    That answers a few questions.
    Working guitar techs and professionals will expect MIDI support to be top notch on this device so I will vote to add sort by MIDI PC# to the browser option.
    In the future if the browser continues to be used in this fashion there needs to be a more powerful set of search features built into it.
    Performance mode can be nice if you KNOW that all is perfect in your setup but having to go to browser mode to make an amp adjustment then back really does not work well for me.
    I have spent about an hour with the new remote - so ya know - coming from a 3rd party midi pedal that was dependent on MIDI CC#s (like the rest of my midi gear) I am confused as to why on earth we would abandon something so industry standard. Are we re-inventing the wheel? I read most of the MIDI protocol specs in the manual and while these open doors for some features I really hope they don't make this unit into a proprietary nightmare.

    Powered Rack / Windows 10

  • but having to go to browser mode to make an amp adjustment then back really does not work well for me.

    There is no need to return to Browse Mode to edit rigs. You can directly edit/tweak a Performance Slot rig, and save the Performance to save the edits.

    BTW - editing a Browse Mode rig would not edit the rig in Performance Mode. anyway. The Performance Mode rig is copied from the Browse Mode rig, and then is a completely separate rig.

  • I always thought of BrowseR mode to be a different animal that the browser knob.

    So I might as well throw this out there:
    What is the best case working setup to use Browser mode and be able to bank up and down to sets of 5?
    Are we saying sort by rig name then add incremental numbers to the beginning of the rig names in the order we want the rigs to appear? and maybe the unit will bank sets of 5 numbers to imitate MIDI banking? Swap out the text to rearrange the order..such a lo tech workaround to operate a hi tech device.

    BTW the pedal has left the building with its owner - mine is on the way so I cant test it today.
    I heard that browser mode banks in sets of 5 - is this true? what is the exact metadata field in Rig Manager that we are using as the criteria to sort?

    It seems that everyone has given up on browser mode and moved to performance mode, which I may wind up doing as well yet I want to keep my setup logical to the heritage of a MIDI setup so i have no surprises that I cannot figure out.

    Powered Rack / Windows 10

  • It seems that everyone has given up on browser mode and moved to performance mode, which I may wind up doing as well yet I want to keep my setup logical to the heritage of a MIDI setup so i have no surprises that I cannot figure out.

    I took the same approach - I set my Performance Banks up to match the rigs I have been using with a MIDI Controller. (I also left the custom MIDI PC assignments on the Rigs in Browse Mode in case I needed to use my MIDI Controller instead of the Remote)

  • Changing the rig names does not take more time than assigning MIDI program numbers to the rigs especially when you do it in the Rig Manager.
    If you ant to get the most out of the Remote you should use the Perform mode. The Remote was designed with that mode in mind. It is much more powerful than the Browse mode especially for live playing. F.e. seamless switching between rigs is only available in perform mode.
    The main purpose of the Browse mode is to give you a pool of rigs to browse through when it comes to building your performances.

  • BTW - editing a Browse Mode rig would not edit the rig in Performance Mode. anyway. The Performance Mode rig is copied from the Browse Mode rig, and then is a completely separate rig.

    This makes no sense at all to me.

    I have just unpacked my Remote and I have a set up where I have made Performances per song. Some of these Performances uses the same Rigs. I though that if I wanted to change the Rig, I loaded it in Browse mode,made my changes and the changes would be reflected in all my Performances. Sort of like using a CSS in a web site.

    Paul - if I understand your post correctly, I have to go inte each slot of every Performance to make the same change to every Rig?


    Mats N

  • According to Manual

    Performance Mode is a powerful tool that allows to organize Rigs in “Performances” detached from your Browse Pool. So this is not CSS-ish ;)

  • According to Manual

    Performance Mode is a powerful tool that allows to organize Rigs in “Performances” detached from your Browse Pool. So this is not CSS-ish ;)

    I realized that and that is the reason for my frustration. I wanted it to be CSS-ish.


    Mats N

  • I realized that and that is the reason for my frustration. I wanted it to be CSS-ish.


    Mats N

    It makes little sense to detach Perfomance Pool from Browse pool, because Performance you use to set the list of "rigs" for your live playing. And Browser mode lets you to go through all rigs on Kemper, to play through or record in studio. When Performance mode rig would be anyhow reference to Browser mode rig, anything you do to rig in Browser mode is populated to it's reference rig in Performance mode. If you delete rig from Browser mode "accidently :-)" it would be deleted from Performance mode, from every Performance leaving empty slots in Performances i guess.

    This is just to divide studio playing and live playing - this was the idea of Kemper folks :)

    For your knowledge I am not using Performance mode.

  • For your knowledge I am not using Performance mode.

    Interesting! I would like to learn how you use Browse mode and the Remote with any efficiency. Stepping through hundreds of rigs with the Remote seems very time consuming and not at all beneficial to my work flow.


    Mats N

  • Interesting! I would like to learn how you use Browse mode and the Remote with any efficiency. Stepping through hundreds of rigs with the Remote seems very time consuming and not at all beneficial to my work flow.


    Mats N

    I am not using remote and I don't have one :) In the other topic I just wonder if people use Performance mode without Remote - does it make sense?