• WOW!!!!!!!! just had a quick blast through this and I went straight to the amps that I know well eg JCM800, Mesa triple Rect and I'm really impressed with how these sound without tweaking just playing straight off the bat. My fav profiles so far Are JCM800, Mesa triple rect, Soldano, dirty shirly, Marshall Jubilee and Marshall JTM. I haven't tried the rest yet I just go hooked on jamming these ones. Nice work Andy this pack has defo got some of your best work in just having the JCM800 in here has got me smiling from ear to ear. :thumbup::D

    Hi Raoul23. How are you finding the Dirty Shirley? I know that M Britt has a pack that contains it, but the rest of his pack held no appeal for me whatsoever, so I refrained from buying. This TAF pack looks a lot more promising though, with the Dirty Shirley being the icing on the cake.

  • cost and value may be different things but semantics makes no difference to what I have in my bank account or how much I've already spent on profiles, lots of which are already stellar. I'm sure these are good and I've supported Andy in the past so my comments were not intended to be interpretated as me saying these wouldn't be any good

  • Hi Raoul23. How are you finding the Dirty Shirley? I know that M Britt has a pack that contains it, but the rest of his pack held no appeal for me whatsoever, so I refrained from buying. This TAF pack looks a lot more promising though, with the Dirty Shirley being the icing on the cake.

    It bloody well rocks :) In this pack my favs are JCM800, Soldano, Friedman and the dirty Shirly was jamming them all yesterday. For me the pack is worth it just for these :)

  • cost and value may be different things but semantics makes no difference to what I have in my bank account or how much I've already spent on profiles, lots of which are already stellar. I'm sure these are good and I've supported Andy in the past so my comments were not intended to be interpretated as me saying these wouldn't be any good

    Hi Netheravon

    My apologies if my post read as directed toward anything you wrote .... absolutely not what I was getting it or intending at all.

    I was only wanting to comment that good profiles -relative to the costs of real-amp's / real-pedal's- are ridiculously inexpensive for what they are.

    And you are quite right that many people have already spent good money on good profiles.

    Again, my apologies for any offence.


  • @benifin - Yup I think we have all been there in one form or another. - If we all sat down and literally counted what we spent on wasted goods for the musician, it would make your hair fall out!. - Luckily however, the Kemper is here in its green uniform to save the day. - spend a little, save a LOT - I for one don't miss the days of trawling through gear only to find its not worth the investment... and its hard to swallow when the thing costs thousands!..

    The problem is though.. Kemper makes the above irrelevant now. and in a relaxed casual way we can just say.. ok we don't want this amp, lets move onto the next.. (each costing thousands in the real world) - soon enough, the choices are just a click away, there is no thought.. no procedure of "trying", just the grass is always greener if I click this knob..

    Digital is a TIME saver. but the same time, a Time Waster! - Double edged sword? : )

    Indeed though, its a great time to be in this domain, but we must remember taming an all singing roaring tube amp is one of the pleasures in life...And thankfully the kemper allows me to do this however loud I wish!.

    I often find myself asking myself, If Marshall, or fender 50 years ago... said.. In the future, people can play these amps at FULL tilt...without breaking windows and killing stray dogs. - and best yet with headphones on!. - they would of said.. HA YEAH RIGHT!!

  • It looks good Andy.

    Could you give me an idea of when these profiles were created by you. I just want to make sure that I'm not buying profiles that I already own. thanks.

    -Computer:Imac-OS Catalina

    -Kemper non-powered rack version

    -Kemper Remote

  • These are all recent additions.. - just to clarify.. these are ALL TOTALLY new amps. - done in my new method. - so nothing is ever shared from any others. :)
    As this was my last pack, and the new method of profiling proved ever more real and better quality, I decided to make my entire perfect library of sounds.. People judge you on your last work.. so I wanted to leave something that was the best I have done behind in my wake..

    Hopefully that helps.


  • <p>Thanks Andy. Thats awesome!&nbsp;</p>


    These are all recent additions.. - just to clarify.. these are ALL TOTALLY new amps. - done in my new method. - so nothing is ever shared from any others. :)<br />
    As this was my last pack, and the new method of profiling proved ever more real and better quality, I decided to make my entire perfect library of sounds.. People judge you on your last work.. so I wanted to leave something that was the best I have done behind in my wake..</p>

    <p>Hopefully that helps.</p>

    <p>Best<br />



    -Computer:Imac-OS Catalina

    -Kemper non-powered rack version

    -Kemper Remote

  • I dont have Britt's Dirty Shirley, but I did try some of the pre release demo rigs of the DS from this pack and they were some of the best profiles I've ever played. Heres a clip:

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    Through the activation of external content, you agree that personal data may be transferred to third party platforms. We have provided more information on this in our privacy policy.

  • I dont have Britt's Dirty Shirley, but I did try some of the pre release demo rigs of the DS from this pack and they were some of the best profiles I've ever played. Heres a clip:

    External Content soundcloud.com
    Content embedded from external sources will not be displayed without your consent.
    Through the activation of external content, you agree that personal data may be transferred to third party platforms. We have provided more information on this in our privacy policy.

    You're Hired!

  • Hi, bought the final pack, just because the I liked the TAF/Kemper factory content and the few singles I bought so much.
    Alas, my week-old kemper died on me and is on transit back to the seller.
    When I get a replacement, I'm pretty sure I'll be blown away.


  • Hi, bought the final pack, just because the I liked the TAF/Kemper factory content and the few singles I bought so much.
    Alas, my week-old kemper died on me and is on transit back to the seller.
    When I get a replacement, I'm pretty sure I'll be blown away.


    Ouch that cant be nice. - Hope it comes back all quickly then for you! so you can Rock on! :) - and many thanks for your support.