Does the kemper send a DI raw and a wet signal out of each XLR output?

  • I have been recording guitar through the kemper, but before the kemper i use a DI (seventh circle audio N72 or A12) but im finding they are both still too coloured. Is there a way i can send an affected "profile" signal through one side of the main outs, and send a balanced DI signal out of the other side?

  • Im using a regular signal cable out from there (set cab off in the output settings) into a SLA 2 amp input (thats bridged mono), so yes Id say its unbalanced....

    If you use FRFR the benefit of a merged profile is that the cabinet is totally separated in the profile.

    For my edification only... ;) Kemper/Axe-FX III/ Quad Cortex user

  • I would doubt that the monitor output will ever have the option/ability to send a "balanced" signal out because I believe its hardware design is High Z unbalanced signal cable connections. Correct where needed guys.

    If you use FRFR the benefit of a merged profile is that the cabinet is totally separated in the profile.

    For my edification only... ;) Kemper/Axe-FX III/ Quad Cortex user

  • Analog Outputs
    MAIN OUTPUTS L and R: XLR balanced 1/4 inch TS unbalanced with ground lift, max output level: XLR +22dBu, TS +16dBu
    MONITOR OUTPUT: 1/4 inch TS unbalanced with ground lift, max output level: +16dBu
    DIRECT OUTPUT/SEND: 1/4 inch TS unbalanced with ground lift, max output level: +16dBu Output dynamic range: >108 dB
    HEADPHONE OUTPUT: 1/4 inch TRS stereo, 33 ohm

  • I have been recording guitar through the kemper, but before the kemper i use a DI (seventh circle audio N72 or A12) but im finding they are both still too coloured. Is there a way i can send an affected "profile" signal through one side of the main outs, and send a balanced DI signal out of the other side?

    Have you tried switching output settings? It is explained in the manual.


    "Git Studio": Similar to “Git+Processing”, but here the instrument signal is sent out at studio level, which is much louder as the original level. Thus no separate DI box is needed to record the pure instrument for reamping purposes. Since the instrument volume is high, the recommended leveling of “Clean Sens” in the Input Section is important.

  • I would doubt that the monitor output will ever have the option/ability to send a "balanced" signal out because I believe its hardware design is High Z unbalanced signal cable connections. Correct where needed guys.

    This is correct, however, i want to send a totally dry signal through to the converter, so it has to be balanced. I reckon I might add this thought to the feature request threads.

    thanks guys, i have my answer for now :)

  • you can go wet/dry/wet or even wet/dry/dry/wet with KPA

    you can assign delay + reverb only to the main outs (L and R) in stero and have a dry signal on the monitor out or even 2 dry signals (L and R) to the monitor and direct outs. this is all made by assigning outputs in the output menu. pretty well explained in the advanced manual


  • you can go wet/dry/wet or even wet/dry/dry/wet with KPA

    you can assign delay + reverb only to the main outs (L and R) in stero and have a dry signal on the monitor out or even 2 dry signals (L and R) to the monitor and direct outs. this is all made by assigning outputs in the output menu. pretty well explained in the advanced manual


    All unbalanced though, I would still need a DI box to get the signal to the converter.

  • Not so, unless I'm missing something. The DI box, although I think one can use it for the purpose you're implying, is principally, in the case of guitar, for bringing the super-low-level (guitar-pickup) signal up to line level. This is obviously handy when Hi-Z inputs aren't available and one only has the option of using line-level (+4dB) inputs on a desk or interface. Same applies for patching into outboard (line-level) FX, processors and so on. Some mic preamps have Hi-Z inputs, as do many audio interfaces (not mine!), but in their absence the DI box or setting your Kemper to the "Git Studio" setting is your only option.

    Balanced or unbalanced, a line-level converter will accept either by the way, so I wouldn't worry about that. The only difference is that long cable runs might carry more noise if unbalanced. For short lengths, which is what you'd usually use in a recording situation (say, less than 10 or 15 ft), there shouldn't be much practical difference.

    I'll be using the direct with the "Git Studio" setting 'cause if I go guitar level I'll have to use my lil' ol' Mackie "Guitar" (Hi-Z) inputs to bring the signal up to a level my interface will accept, piping the audio down a direct-output snake from the Mackie to the interface. I haven't done tests as I don't have the interface yet, but my guess is that even 'though there's already an A/D conversion happening in the Kemper using the "Git Studio" option, the fact that I can patch directly from the direct out to the interface, bypassing the Mackie, should in theory mean less noise.

    I'll test both methods once I get the interface as the Mackie is quiet and if the noise floor is similar, I'll go the longer route to the interface to save the extra A/D conversion.

    Not sure if any of that will help but often I've found that thinking out 'loud can induce epiphanies in those who would dare to listen! :D

    EDIT: The "Mackie" I refer to is a little desk employed for zero-latency monitoring, for the uninitiated.

  • Ran in to this yesterday. Really wish they would add “git studio/master mono” to the available “main output” options. Would be really nice to send a clean DI balanced straight from Kemper to converter!

  • Have you tried to send the unprocessed signal from the unbalanced DIRECT OUT to your interface as recommended in another thread? The cable length is probably low. So, what is the practical issue of doing this?