Identify of morhping parameter

  • I tried the morphing Demo Rigs.

    In the Rig Settings I find a window (5 of 6) with the parameter values but not the morphed Parameter. Just a text for example "10 morphed parameter(s) " or " 17 morphed parameter(s)"

    Is it possible to find the parameter which will be morphed or will this be indicated maybe in a final Version 4.x.
    Perhabs a topic for "request" but up to now I did not try everything.

    Anyway it will be important to document everything when you use this function otherwise it will be confusing.

  • Update:
    There is a chance to see what Parameter is involved in the morphing function.
    In the edit windows the parameters are marked with a small "M".
    If you start the morphing you see the changing of the value.
    At the moment you have to visit all windows to find the parameters.

    I am pretty hopefull, that there will come an update, where we find the list of morphed parameters in the Rig setting windows.

  • Update:
    There is a chance to see what Parameter is involved in the morphing function.
    In the edit windows the parameters are marked with a small "M".
    If you start the morphing you see the changing of the value.
    At the moment you have to visit all windows to find the parameters.

    I am pretty hopefull, that there will come an update, where we find the list of morphed parameters in the Rig setting windows.

    It has been like this from the beginning. Still it would be tremendously useful to get a list of parameters involved in a morph and delete them from one window.

  • So how do we currently kill\exclude\switch off morphing from a rig?

    The procedure is similar then to install but not so intuitive.

    Look for the Value you want not to use morphing anymore.
    Press the button you start normally the mophing and change the parameter to a value that is bigger (lower) than the morph value or so. ( I do not know whats happen if the morph value is already at maximum/minimum)

    In praxis I turn the value knob like I am crazy till the morph sign ("M") disappear :D
    Sure there is a method which is more elegant, but at the moment I can live with that, because I do not really use morphing now, Just play for fun.

  • In praxis I turn the value knob like I am crazy till the morph sign ("M") disappear

    And beware that "M" when you edit in default (heel) state! If there is no "M" present for that parameter, the changes you make will also apply to morphed state. I was fooled by this as I thought the edits only applied to the state I was in...not so in heel position (unless that "M" is triggered from a morph state edit).

  • Thanks guys!
    while I've not yet installed 4.0,it seems to me that the first thing we'll need in 4.1 is a simple "Unmorph" soft button somewhere.
    Am I getting this right?

    It would maybe be an idea to make a copy of a rig just for morphing, so that you can delete it or create a new one w\o having to redux the original one?

  • Thanks guys!
    while I've not yet installed 4.0,it seems to me that the first thing we'll need in 4.1 is a simple "Unmorph" soft button somewhere.
    Am I getting this right?

    It would maybe be an idea to make a copy of a rig just for morphing, so that you can delete it or create a new one w\o having to redux the original one?

    Yes I don't see any Unmorph button either, I just make both values the same for now. And I also keep a clean copy before I start Morphing a Rig, well I do that now that I know better lol.

  • Interesting to have them both: if all you want is to unlink the rig from any morphing, deselecting all the parameters one by one would be a waste of time anyway if you set a lot of them.
    A kind of selection by item plus a "select all" option would be great IMO :)

  • I like the idea of having both. The Kemper know the status of the origin rigs so it would be easy to cancel the morphing.
    And I also would like a list which parameter are morphed with the possibility to edit or delete.

  • Interesting to have them both: if all you want is to unlink the rig from any morphing, deselecting all the parameters one by one would be a waste of time anyway if you set a lot of them.
    A kind of selection by item plus a "select all" option would be great IMO :)

    You nailed my mind's eye, Gianfranco.

    Now... to find a surgeon...

  • Yeah, as it was in S. Africa where I grew up, and as it used to be here in Australia... I mean, Jungleville.

    The American order of the dates... and just about everything else... has been seeping in slowly here too. Everything's just gonna mash up 'til there's no culture or indented-titty left, just you watch... although I suspect you're well aware of this.

    Thanks for he "like", matey. I'll give you one back right now, but don't tell anyone lest he or she think we're an item. :D