Kemper profiles that has actually been used on albums???

  • Yup, this is pretty much how I think about it. :thumbup:

  • Its 1979, EVH was in Toronto - Van Halen was playing Maple Leaf Gardens, the afternoon of that day he visited Steve‘s music store, everyone obviously went bonkers, with Eddie Van Halen in the store, so they asked him if he plug-in and play…
    Steve‘s Music Was not a Marshall dealer at that time so they plugged him into a brand new Fender super reverb,
    He played for about 15 minutes and people’s jaws were on the floor…
    A friend of mine was there that day and said Eddie sounded so close to the record it was scary…
    I wager to bet that no one ever got that tone from that amp before he played it or ever again…
    True story.

  • Jaws drops becuase of the amazing playing style of EVH

    He could have played through a crappy Peavey practice amp and people would still love his playing style despite crappy tone

    You gotta go try one out at a store, at least - just to make sure you have the right perspective. Couldn't hurt.

    No way I can afford one right now, tho.
    And playing one in the store is useless.
    How would I know how it sounds recorded in a mix? :S

    I never trust an amp sound just by listening in the room.

    It's all about how it sounds in the mix :):thumbup:

  • You seem to miss what I was saying somehow… I’m not going to get into this pissing match because I really don’t care.
    My point was, that Eddie Van Halen juiced ‘his tones’ with his fingers, out of that amplifier which was nothing at all like his Marshalls…
    Cheers Bro Ced!!

  • Right on! Now Ced did you send any thing to Lars? Come on Brother i ASSURE you Lars knows what he is doing, you know i have to confess, most of Franks chops make me buy the packs, :whistling: But it shouldn't as Lars Kills it every time man.

    Ced, please just send him one DI brother, he really deserves a chance man :)


    Have a beer and don't sneer. -CJ. Two non powered Kempers -Two mission stereo FRFR Cabs - Ditto X4 -TC electronic Mimiq.

  • MICHAEL WAGENER told me that he really loves our profiles (specially the Bogner XTC). He also used some of our profiles for the latest GREAT WHITE album.

    IN FLAMES used our custom profiles on their South America tour (and I'm sure they will use them on the next album as well)

    ALEJANDRO CARRERA used our profiles for the entire album for his Band RIFT DIVIDE.

    and many others that I forgot at the moment... :D