Using an Expression pedal to change between Slots 1 & 2 in Performance mode

  • Can anyone think of a way to configure the Kemper so that I can use an expression pedal to change between slots 1 & 2 in Performance mode?

    Ideally, with the expression pedal in heel-down position Slot 1 would be selected, and once the pedal is moved past the halfway point (towards toe-down), then Slot 2 would be selected. The reverse would happen as the pedal is moved back to heel-down position (Slot 1 selected again).


  • Expression pedal no, footswitch I believe you can.

    New talent management advice to Laura Cox -

    “Laura want to break the internet? let’s shoot another video of you covering the Nightrain solo in the blue singlet, but this time we’ll crank up the air conditioning”.

  • Why would you want to use an expression pedal for that?

    As delinquent said, you can us a simple footswitch to change rigs but not an expression pedal.

    I have a little 2 button switch that cost about £10 on ebay which could be used for that (I use it for other things but it could be used as you want) so they don’t have to cost a lot of money.

  • It is simply to be able to switch back and forwards between two slots without having to reposition my foot (or look where my foot is).

    I realise that morphing between rigs is not possible (although that would be useful too).

    Is it possible to alternate between Slot 1 and Slot 2 in the current Performance using a *single* button footswitch? How would this be set up?


  • Not that I’m aware of.

    Are you looking to have it be momentary? Meaning you press, slot 2. Release, slot 1.

    I would prefer it not to be momentary, so press, Slot 1, release, press, Slot 2, release, press, Slot 1 etc.

    I believe this can be done via MIDI using CC#50 and CC#51 but wondered if there was a simple (or inventive) way.

  • If you are ONLY going to use those two Performance Slots at a gig, you could do it like this:

    1) save the two Performance Slots to the Browse pool.

    2) mark each of those two Rigs as a Favorite.

    3) Set Browse Mode to display Favorites only.

    4) If any other Rigs are in the Favorites list, Un-Favorite them.

    With only two Favorite Rigs and the Profiler set to only display Favorites, you can connect a single Momentary foot switch, and set it to either Rig Up or Rig down. Either way, pressing the switch will alternate between the two Rigs.

  • Paults, Thanks for posting this, a great idea!

  • Thanks for coming up with that - that is an inventive idea! I don't think it would work for me though as I would be using other Performances and Rigs.