Expression pedal problem

  • So I have set up my remote and profiler to use mission exp1-kp and it works as a wah, which i set up for it to do, but, when I do this I lose volume and my effects don’t work 😞 could it be a faulty remote or head ? The mission pedal works as it should, ie, tried it as a volume pedal.

    Many Thanks in Advance for your help with this

  • Yes I have, its just when its set ip as a wah I lose all my effects. I then have to unplug the mission pedal and reboot the kemper

  • I think there is a fault somewhere as I also only have a plain guitar signal going through. No effects no nothing else and that includes my distorted rigs. Only effects I assign are ambient, the rest of my sounds are clean or distorted

  • how are you monitoring the signal?

    Are you experiencing the same issue when you listen through headphones connected to the Profiler headphone output?

    Check your output source settings and make sure you use Master Mono or Master Stereo. Only these two will give you the full signal chain.

    I have no idea how the issue you are reporting could be caused by using an expression pedal that is configured as a wah pedal though.

  • I am using it as a live rig : powerhead, Kemper Kabinet and Kemper remote with Mission expression pedal. I have raised a ticket and will be sending a video after the Christmas Holidays.

  • Close micing the Kemper Kabinet is not recommended and not necessary either since the Profiler provides dedicated outputs to send the Profiler signal to a mixing console. Please use the Main outputs for that purpose. Please answer my questions about which output source settings you are using and if you experience the same issue when connecting a pair of headphones to the headphone output. If you respond with this information it will help me to analyze your scenario and hopefully help you with your issue.