
  • Yes, I know! This topic has been appearing numerous time, but that's probably also the reason that it's a hard issue to deal with it ...

    I've been reading the manual also numerous times, specifically page 17 about that lock button. If you press and hold the lock button all locked modules will be lit. All non-locked modules remain unlit. So pressing those unlit buttons while holding the lock button will unlock individual modules....! No way!
    The next try is to remember which modules you entered last. And that's also the problem. which was or were they again? So what remains is pressing an holding....pressing and holding until you get tired....and must get ready to pack for a gig...and have to leave this lit button.

    Isn't there a more simple way to get this problem solved? Because even after restarting I can't put out the light...

  • In your RM Screen screenshot, it doesn't look like anything is currently locked. On my Windows Rig Manager a small padlock shows in the top right of any locked component. And those lock icons match what lights up when I hold the LOCK button on the profiler.

    What are you seeing as locked?

  • On post #3 above, there are 5 images. The first one is a screenshot of RM that I guessed was yours.

    Here's a picture of my Rig Manager with the Input, Delay and Reverb modules locked. Notice the orange padlock on only those three module icons. Then I can unlock them as described above, from the 3 dots or a right click on any icon. Or on the physical profiler, if I hold down LOCK, I see that the white buttons under Input, Delay and Reverb show as lit while the other's are not. If I hold LOCK and press the Input button, it's light turns off and it is unlocked. Then I can continue pressing the Delay and Reverb buttons turning those off, and then back on again if I press the buttons again. While holding the LOCK button, they just toggle on/off.

    Hope that helps you.

  • Just one other thing - in Rig Manager I can also just left click the top right corner of any module to toggle that lock on and off, showing or hiding the orange padlock to show whether it's locked or not. The 3 dots and right click pop-up menu is the way to clear all locks at once.

    I can't say whether it's the same on a Mac if you're not on Windows...

  • Yes, I know! This topic has been appearing numerous time, but that's probably also the reason that it's a hard issue to deal with it ...

    I've been reading the manual also numerous times, specifically page 17 about that lock button. If you press and hold the lock button all locked modules will be lit. All non-locked modules remain unlit. So pressing those unlit buttons while holding the lock button will unlock individual modules....! No way!
    The next try is to remember which modules you entered last. And that's also the problem. which was or were they again? So what remains is pressing an holding....pressing and holding until you get tired....and must get ready to pack for a gig...and have to leave this lit button.

    Isn't there a more simple way to get this problem solved? Because even after restarting I can't put out the light...

    Just double checked on the toaster. You don't need to hold anything down. Just double press the module you want to lock/unlock so that it is present on the main screen. Then hit the lock button to lock/unlock it. Repeat for each module.

    Edited 3 times, last by dfdfan ().

  • Hi CM Browns. I did everything you showed me. And you'r right about unlocking those padlocks in RM. I can clear every orange padlock. But on my profiler the LOCK button keeps on staying lit! And double pressing on every lit module on the profiler and then press the lock button makes no difference. The lock button stays lit, whatever you do. The feature in those three dots in RM doesn't help either: unlock all doesn't work.

    .... and now....After retrying everything forwards and backwards a dozen times and more I managed to unlit the lock button. Don't ask me how or which one was the right move because I don't know....What I do know is that it's very tricky to use that knob so I like to keep far away from using this feature. Look at the number of topics about this feature!! And now I still don't know how I finally succeeded in getting an unlit lock button....

    Nevertheless, I really like to thank everyone of you for all your contributions in one way or another :):thumbup:

  • Just one other thing - in Rig Manager I can also just left click the top right corner of any module to toggle that lock on and off, showing or hiding the orange padlock to show whether it's locked or not. The 3 dots and right click pop-up menu is the way to clear all locks at once.

    I can't say whether it's the same on a Mac if you're not on Windows...

    I works exactly the same way Mac

  • I'm sorry to say this but the LOCK button is lit again! I closed RM after making sure that all padlocks were gone and connected my speaker cabinet (makes no sense , I know) I want to shoot this knob untill the light is dead.. ||

    After an hour I tried to look for another amp. When I did this the Lock button unlit. After pressing EXIT the button lit again. Does this make sense?

  • In RM I can unlock all padlocks, but the lock button on the profiler keeps on being lit! Can we talk here about a malfunction in the profiler?

    Hi Player,

    If anything at all is locked, then the Lock button should be on. Are you sure you have nothing at all locked? Maybe Input? Maybe the Stomps or Effects buttons (beneath ABCD and X Mod, etc.) Those Stomp and Effects main buttons wouldn't show in Rig Manager since Kemper decided to drop them on the later Stage.

    If you're sure nothing is locked but LOCK still lights, you could submit a bug report to Kemper and see what they say.

  • Sorry...three dots or select any slot and right click.

    I'll reiterate because I don't see where you acknowledged this. If you right click on any slot and choose unlock all, it will remove the lock *anywhere*.

    As Kellerblues mentioned - don't forget to save, otherwise it'll revert back.