6 live shows with Kemper stage impressions

  • Hello my fellow Kemper friends i thought pass along my impressions of my Kemper stage unit. First the not so good … it has taken me an awfully longtime to figure out how to use the unit as well leveling the rigs properly because I have been playing over 30 years and apparently I am too old or too dumb to figure it all out in an efficient manner however I feel I have gotten over the Kemper wall. Now the good I have done 6 shows and each time I learn more and more and take notes after each to improve on effects and settings etc which has gotten better and better.. even the sound man was complimentary which never happens. I have had three guitar players in the crowd which I do not personally know compliment me on the tone coming out of front of house so I know I’m on the right track. I still have a long way to go but at least I am seeing the light at the end of tunnel.

  • That’s great to hear. I had a similar experience in many ways. Although I found most of the Kemper workflow really straightforward there were a few things that were unintuitive or even counterintuitive to me at first. Once I got over that hurdle everything fell onto place. I alway get a great response from sound engineers and other guitarists. The best thing is the consistency. Once you have your sounds the way you want them they stay that way at every gig. No more tweaking amps and pedals every night an no more inconsistent mic placement and eq from house engineers.

  • Good to here!

    I've learned that everything in life has a learning curve with each one having some form of frustration level. Don't fret because the rewards become substantial!

    Larry Mar @ Lonegun Studios. Neither one famous yet.

  • I am also old and dumb and had the Kemper a long long time.

    I constantly have have to refresh with the manual if there is an action I have not used for some time.

    Having said that most common use is now intuitive and a breeze.

    Glad you seem to have accomplished what matters most to your scenario. :thumbup:

    New talent management advice to Laura Cox -

    “Laura want to break the internet? let’s shoot another video of you covering the Nightrain solo in the blue singlet, but this time we’ll crank up the air conditioning”.