Posts by Monkey_Man

    How 'bout a Dunlop 535Q20 20th Anniversary?


    Is this better than a standard 535Q?

    I bought mine (non-anniv. model) in the '90s, and it's never been used (tested once, and it was s-m-o-o-t-h). Still got the plastic film on underneath, and the lube-goo's still completely clean (off-white in colour). Been boxed for 20 years.

    I'm a long way from Germany, but my step-dad's German and I have German blood. Does that help, Don? LOL

    Kemper Wah-settings List

    Yamaha designs and builds its own chips. Mr. Kemper designed the Profiler's one/s.
    Yamaha "improves" its operating systems by making them more impenetrable. Kemper actually listens to US.
    Yamaha's build quality and QC have always been excellent. For a "small" company, Kemper / Access doesn't do too badly on this front, IMHO.
    Yamaha's well-established practices and lines of distribution are proportionate to the size and scope of the company, and guess what? Kemper's are too!

    The only "major" difference I see is:
    Yamaha's owners / designers and R&D guys won't engage the users in a forum. Kemper's will.

    Ha ha ha! What a classic. Good one, chamelious.

    Booyah, all I can say is, "Booyah!"

    Another great thing about the rice option, apart from the fact that it can, if you want, last many years (one sock is in its 15th year and still going, I kid you not), is that when all's said and done, it's cheap and you can eat it too. I wouldn't recommend eating kitty litter, even if it was well-aged. Mind you, just as some folks eat soap or chalk, others do eat the stuff. Being a diet and health guru, I can assure you that, contrary to modern medical consensus that these "habits" are psychologically-based, they're in fact physiological responses to pica (mineral deficiency). It's no different from a dog that always licks people's hands (minerals from sweat, mainly potassium) or a horse that licks the barn-door bolt (mainly iron). Interestingly, calves being raised for veal require shielding from said bolts or non-iron-containing ones lest their meat turn red. Minerals. Simple. That's what salt licks are for - every farmer knows that.

    Anyway, where was I? Oh yeah... Booyah bro'!

    PS: The viable (able to germinate) period for most seed types, based on my experience, is 3 to 5 years without refrigeration, and perhaps 7 to 10 years with it. Bearing this in mind, I'd recommend you change the rice within 5-year blocks. The fact my TLM-103's sock's still got the original rice in it from 15 years ago only proves two things:

    1) That I'm in fact not a monkey, but a goose.
    2) That my method is idiot-proof.

    I've had OCD pretty badly for decades but have managed, through willpower, to chip away at it and these days, whilst it's always there and I have to consciously control it, it's not noticable to most. I can't tell you how happy I was the day I didn't have to check that the front door was locked 3 times before I went to bed. Now, because I have to avoid the (transmitting) smart meter by the front door, I use the back one to go in and out, and sometimes go months without checking if the front's locked. Sounds trivial, I know, but this is typical of what I consider a major victory for me! LOL

    Anyway, these days, there's yet another one that affects most of us, thanks to Mr. Kemper - RSS (Rig Saturation Syndrome).

    Thank you Mr. Kemper for uuuggghhh... all these choices! I think..

    I'd have to play with one in person. I've heard the YouTubes but it's not my sound. I like the weirdness I can get out of a Motif Rack so I haven't ventured beyond that for my stuff.

    Mostly other-instrument fills and pads is what I'm looking for. And Omnisphere does some really good pads too.

    Yeah, it might not seem to be "your sound", but you'd be surprised at the versatility of those puppies.

    Sounds like you're used to ROMplers, as am I. The JD-990's the most esoteric synth I've ever owned... and a bunch of Wavestations back in the day. These days, I too have Motif (XS) racks and INTEGRA-7 as my main sources, along with a TD-30 brain (played from keyboard!) for drums, so technically it's all ROMpler-based sounds, which, as I see it anyway, limits by definition the level of sophistication possible. Complexity, sure, but sophistication and finesse? Not really, IMHO.

    You are so right about Omnisphere; it's gonna be my first VI purchase ever, hopefully late this year. It's been a long wait. I've literally waited since 2000 for the whole plug and VI market to mature as I didn't want to buy in to glitches, obsolescence and vapourware. First plug FX will probably be PSP or something equally rock-solid and from a company that seems to be in it for the long haul.

    All that said, the Virus line is special in that it's unique. CK is a distortion freak, and from what I've been able to tell from the sporadic demos I've heard dating back to SOS-type mags' free CDs 10 years (or more?) ago, there's subtle and not-so-subtle use of all manner of distortion flavours built into the factory patches. That seemed to be the main distinguishing factor, to my ears at least. Sophisticated and classy-sounding, they were.

    Welcome to the spiritual home of the KPA, Dave.

    Mate, I'd just click the "unread posts" link at the top of the page every time you visit, and, as you suggested, add your 2c worth where you feel it'll help folks. It's really just like participating in a group discussion (which it is!); you listen and chime in when you feel it's necessary.

    For a truly authentic simulation of real-life, if you have no manners, be sure to shout folks down and ignore their pleas for mercy. LOL

    I've always used brown rice in a sock.

    Just seemed logical to me as I virtually live on the stuff (no flour products or potatoes, which I love and miss!), and a sock can be tied at the open end or folded and a rubber band applied. I like to tie it 'though, 'cause rubber bands degrade in the presence of moisture pretty quickly.

    Not certain the absorption will be sufficiently quick for your purposes, but I've done this since purchasing my first mic decades ago and it's always worked for this purpose very well IMHO.

    A belated welcome, Wolf! I'm a Wolf too, but with an "e", so... aaarrroooooo!

    Sounds like you nailed that tone pretty well. There seem to be plenty of rigs around that'll provide excellent SRV tones.

    Can't go wrong with the KPA, mate! Enjoy.

    It's always been beyond my budget for synths, but IMHO it's a classic and is truly epic.

    Whenever I spot one (usually the TI these days) in an EDM clip (I can only speak for asian pop as I gave up on western stuff years ago), I get excited and feel so proud for CK. The Virus line is go-to for many a trance artist; I've heard it described as the ultimate trance machine.

    What we would have done without this man, I don't know. Then again, I can speculate: I'd probably be stuck in an AxeFX menu or still tweaking one of my PODs...

    Therefor I will implement a LPF and HPF into the Studio EQ.

    What a legend you are, CK! I've pushed for this myself in other threads, but didn't realise you'd already confirmed HPF / LPFs will be implemented.

    May I recommend they be made available at every point in the processing chain possible? I'm talking about at the (dry) input split to the digital DSP chain, all standard stomp slots, pre and post amp and cab modules and the usual and obviously-necessary outputs.

    These options will, for very little coding effort and minuscule CPU overhead, help propel the KPA further into the rarified air it already owns and occupies, IMHO. Tweakers and anally-retentive propellor-heads will squeal with delight!

    Thank you, oh Leader of the Gods of Kemper!

    My go-to bass patches are usually the Gallien Krueger pack labelled A through E (I like C the best) and the Microtubes B7K pack labelled 1 through 6 (I love 4). Both groups are on the exchange.

    For the life of me I can't find the Gallien Krueger rigs you referred to, Lokasenna.

    Any other search terms I could try? Thanks mate.

    EDIT: Solved. Anyone looking for these needs to add a hyphen. The string is "Gallien-Krueger".

    Well, if he's an EMO... LOL

    I just posed the question on the L6 thread as to whether or not the throughput latency had been addressed. That, above all else (and there was a lot of "else"), made the HD units unplayable for me; I felt disconnected from the guitar. All sense of immediacy was gone...

    Yeah, great job wifey! You rock, sis!

    Dare I say it, but I'd be down for at least 3 so I could wear 'em every single day. Been wondering about this since I opened the box and saw the two little stickers in there. I thought, "they're not big enough and I can't wear them!"

    Heck, I'd get 4 just for good measure.

    EDIT: You posted while I was replying, Zapman. The compliments are well-deserved, mate!

    Fingers crossed...

    Hey at least they have power switches. Also nice to see ir loading. But i agree. Lets see what the amp sims sound like through a quality ir. Seems the cab/mic engine is a bit more advanced, but have yet to see if they sorted out phase issues when using parallel cabs

    So NOW they provide a proper power socket, "real" cabs, I'm guessing X3-style DI and amp USB recording and "proper" volume-knob response. If the latency is greatly improved as well, I think I'll puke. Seriously. I hung in there 'till the HD almost (well, it did, really) did my head in big-time. A hint that something addressing the plethora of concerns was on its way would've saved a whole lot of heartache. I mean, the company must've been aware that folks like you and I were sweatin' on shifting allegiances in a big way. I made the move to Kemper in a state of desperation, punching way above my weight budget-wise.

    I'll bet that at least most of the scratchiness of the HD is gone too, BobMan. Sickening, really.

    So much for the hype surrounding the "new" HD DNA modelling, the apparent platform for all things to come in the foreseeable future.

    Im taking a wait and see approach.

    Same here, although I'd like to think I cannot be lured back in any sort of a hurry, or at all for that matter. I'm just miffed that my since-day-dot loyalty was tried and stretched for so damned long by the HD; it's the stuff of nightmares for me, and the mere mention of the letters "HD" bring up similar feelings to those I experience when I think of the many best friends I've lost to tragedies such as bush fires and cancer. I got burned bad, man. Real bad.

    The timing, from my perspective, is nauseating. I only received my Kemper a month ago. If this had been a year down the track, it'd have been different story. It's a rare state of affairs for me, but I'm now officially speechless.

    I'm open to suggestions and tips on how to cope! LOL

    As soon as the Aussie dollar ceases to suck, I'll be buying all of these!!

    Tried the SA Rand yet ....... BIG :(

    Growing up in Pietermaritzburg the Rand was always a little weak, usually around 70 cents US, but that was 'til 1980. Things have changed an awful lot since then, eh?

    Michael,thanks for taking the time out of your busy life as a wonderful guitarist,to share all these wonderful amps
    Went to see Toto a few weeks ago,with a good friend of mine,who is a massive toto,and steve lukather fan..Also a musicman fan,as i am
    What a concert!...Luke's playing is just phenomenal,as were all the band

    Anyway,i downloaded one of your packs,with exact same Bognor,as Luke,and i was smiling the whole night,knowing how it should sound,and knowing the next day,and forever,i can switch my kemper on,and be in Bognor heaven
    Its little things like this,knowing you are playing the same model amp as Luke,that constantly inspires me to play

    I have two of your packs now,and i will be buying more..Your efforts are much appreciated,and you have captured each amp perfectly

    MM only for bass recording here, and the only reason I've not got a Luke is 'cause I thought the L6 guitars could be used to cover all the esoteric stuff and save a whole lotta purchases. I'm talkin' dobro, jazz semi, sitar and even acoustic, so I had to get that stuff out of the way. Oh, and I had to go through 6 guitars (at least 5 years) because of QC issues!

    So, I continue to save slowly for the first Luke. Only question is, the actives or the dimarz passives. Probably doesn't matter as I'll end up with both eventually. Been my fave rock / pop guitarist since, what, 1977? Since his Boz Scaggs work on Down Two then Left, anyway - just before TOTO.

    Oh man! Bad luck, bro'... and after all your effort.

    Missed out here anyway as I added the search terms to a text file which I clear once there's a bunch of stuff to check out. Serves me right for not being "right on it" every day. I'm a fanboi but that level of attentiveness isn't possible, regrettably.

    Again, thank you for your kind efforts, caveman.