Powered Monitors in Stereo, Guitar cab, and disappointment

  • I just wanted to share a frustration, and MAYBE there’s a way to fix my problem.

    The equipment:

    1. I have an Orange 2x10 Open Back cab. It sounds fantastic

    2. I have a pair of powered AltoTS110 monitors. They sound fantastic for Vocals/Keys

    The Problem:

    I want to play in stereo, because the sound is wide and full. But the Kemper profiles sound like crap through the Altos— it’s like the highs are just too harsh and artificial playing guitar through them.

    The cab sounds AWESOME, but using the double tracker through it, or stacked delays, it just sounds too muddy.

    Is there a way to get the powered monitors to sound less shrill? Can someone give me advice on what exact frequencies to cut globally? (to maybe mimic the “general EQ response” of a guitar cab? Then maybe I CAN have a great Stereo Sound for my guitar profiles.

    Thanks for any help!

  • A guitar cab reproduce the highs up to 5000Hz, your Alto up to 20k Hz. Setting the high cut at 5 Hz and slightly pushing the mids (like most guitar cabs does) should improve what you're hearing. Then fine tune to taste. All from the global eq in the Output menu

    If something is too complicated, then you need to learn it better

  • Are you listening to the Cab the same way you are listening to the Altos?

    Hi freqs are directional. If you listen to the cab pointed at your ankles and the Altos pointed at your head, the Altos will sound very harsh since your profiles may be tuned to the cab on the floor. Meaning you wont hear the highs on the cab since the highs are all going at your knees/ankles so people tend to tune the profiles very bright/harsh. Once you have the Altos pointed at your head, you will hear ALL of the extra highs you added to the profile.

    As Kellerblues said, most people here will suggest the OUTPUT menu Hi Cut filter.

  • Odd request, but can you take a picture of your monitors and post them how you have them when you play? The reason I ask is, when using my Friedman ASM 12, it sounds completely different on an amp stand, on carpet, on hardwood, and even if I stand it up, or lay it on it's side. Aside from that, the above responses would be the go-to.

  • You are not going to get much low end on monitors as you would a cabinet, but you can always add a subwoofer. The only thing better than stereo and a sub is surround sound with a sub. ...IMHO.

    Larry Mar @ Lonegun Studios. Neither one famous yet.

  • PA speakers won't sound like a guitar amp though. They sound like a guitar in a mix, which is what the audience should hear. But it should sound excellent, not harsh.

    Are you using much distortion and do you have a high cut EQ somewhere?

  • Are you listening to the Cab the same way you are listening to the Altos?

    Hi freqs are directional. If you listen to the cab pointed at your ankles and the Altos pointed at your head, the Altos will sound very harsh since your profiles may be tuned to the cab on the floor. Meaning you wont hear the highs on the cab since the highs are all going at your knees/ankles so people tend to tune the profiles very bright/harsh. Once you have the Altos pointed at your head, you will hear ALL of the extra highs you added to the profile.

    As Kellerblues said, most people here will suggest the OUTPUT menu Hi Cut filter.

    My Alto’s are on stands, the top of each powered monitor is about 5 feet high.

    The cab is sitting on top of a table, and it’s top is about 4 feet high.

  • Odd request, but can you take a picture of your monitors and post them how you have them when you play? The reason I ask is, when using my Friedman ASM 12, it sounds completely different on an amp stand, on carpet, on hardwood, and even if I stand it up, or lay it on it's side. Aside from that, the above responses would be the go-to.

    Unfortunately, my pic file size is to large to post :/

    But my Alto’s are on stands, 5 feet high,
    and my guitar cab is on a table between the monitors, about 4 feet high.

  • PA speakers won't sound like a guitar amp though. They sound like a guitar in a mix, which is what the audience should hear. But it should sound excellent, not harsh.

    Are you using much distortion and do you have a high cut EQ somewhere?

    I did NOT have a high cut on, but I will try that in the global EQ.

    I play acoustic guitar, fingerpicking clean on an electric, and high gain Metal genres.

  • I did NOT have a high cut on, but I will try that in the global EQ.

    I play acoustic guitar, fingerpicking clean on an electric, and high gain Metal genres.

    You have confirmed that, while connected to your Altos, you have the Cabinet section enabled. I would recommend you try the following:

    Once you have settled on a specific amp profile/rig that you like, try “locking” everything but the “Cabinet” module. Then, scroll through different Cabinets while playing until you land on the tone you are looking for. Once you have “discovered” the Cabinet that works for your tastes, save the entire Rig under a new name, and then you can unlock everything so you can tweak effects and settings.