noobie say "hi"

  • hello all,
    just wanted to introduce myself. i'm dave - or "d" for short. been lurking for a few days. glad to see there's lively forum with cool/smart users.
    live in new england which means i pay mad taxes and ridiculous amounts to heat the house and put go-go juice in the car.

    been a musician for a long time. had a pretty good run in late 80's early 90's with an original funk/rock band. opened for some national acts. recorded in a couple cool studios. had crazy fun. went totally broke. then all went up in smoke when every one wanted to get married and make babies.

    been farting around with recording since the days of cobbling together 4, 8 and 16 track reel to reels with smpte code (try re-mastering that stuff 20yrs later).

    pretty meat and potatoes with guitars. gimme a strat and a les paul and i'm happy. have a serious gas problem with boutique amps, though. like i need professional help and a 12-step program. hence the new kemper.

    anyway. just got it a couple days ago. sure i'll have a bunch of questions once up and running.

    thanks for reading.

  • Hi 'D' - welcome and enjoy all the new boutique amps - for a fraction of the price ...

    (All trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners, which are in no way associated or affiliated with

    Great Profiles -->

  • Welcome, D!

    This box IS the cure for Amp GAS - you'll find so many great sounding rigs, the idea of not having what you need may start to fade :) When I see an ad for an interesting new amp, my first thought is "If someone profiles it, I'll listen to it then" ;)

    Since you undoubtedly have personal favorite "real" amps that you have been playing up to this point - be sure to profile them, so they will be in the box with the others. You will really like having "your sound" without having to mic up the amps to record.

  • Hey D,
    You're gonna love the Kemper, it's a fantastic piece of gear. I'm a year and change into mine and it still gives me thrills and chills. I'm selling my AC30 and tons of pedals, etc., don't need 'em anymore.

    Reading your history, very similar to my own. Spent years in the bar and college circuit, did a few national act openings, some pro recording, some session work, songwriting, etc. I'll bet you have some really good stories ... I have a few myself.

    You'll like this Forum and the people here. Very helpful, good attitudes and lots of good ideas. Ask any question, somebody will have a good answer. Welcome!

  • Heya Dave (is it just me, or has there been a flood of Daves joining the forums in the past few weeks)!

    I'm sure the Kemper will kill your amp gas, but I'm sure you'll find a way to funnel the funds into other equipment. It's a lifestyle disease and the only way to cure it is to keep chanting the mantra, "I am in control of my GAS, I am in control of my GAS..."

  • Welcome d!

    Don't worry, you came to the right clinic, and your boutique amp cravings will be assuaged by having hundreds of amps at your fingertips, pushing that craving safely to Plugins, Controllers, Monitors, Guitars and GAS for every other aspect of your Audio needs instead!

    As for amps, the only one not collecting dust will be your Kemper.