OK Testing FW 3.0! [How Kemper works? All amps sound similar]?

  • Having tested FW 3.0 (former fw was 2.74) I will pass on the following statements:
    update procedure: quick and without any problems
    merged profiles: not really interested in them, so I skipped the issue
    bugs: after copying a stomp preset to another stomp (ok) I tried to return to the main screen. The Kemper powered down and performed an instant startup procedure, much quicker than normally though. Nothing was lost, nothing was changed. Never expierenced this before.
    questions: importing new rigs was quite tedious off late. Sometimes the Kemper tells me that there are no rigs to import. Well, I know better. Since I host less than 200 rigs in browser mode the reason for this strange behaviour surely is not to great a number of rigs.
    rig Manager: did the update everything is fine. waiting for performance mode in rm.
    as always: best sounding device I met in the last 50 years.
    Thank you Kemper Team. You did a great job, as always.


    PS: I also put these remarks in the thread "rig Manager related bugs". Sorry if this is causing any troubles.

  • I don't understand why FW3.0 is at a release level now as there are still identified bugs ?? Perhaps I missed something ?

    Just guessing that it has something to do with the thread about the midi accessibility of looper function in FW 2.7.4 and 2.8 and the fact that now it has been blocked on FW 3.0.

  • Thanks for the effort, 1 still sounds best I think - but the direct amp profile with real cab is more than close enough for live playing I think :)

    MJT Strats / PRS Guitars / Many DIY Guitars -- Kemper Profiler Rack / Kemper Remote / InEar

  • Thanks for the effort, 1 still sounds best I think - but the direct amp profile with real cab is more than close enough for live playing I think :)

    Yes! :thumbup: but... - i like this word :D For some of my freinds also for me - merged with real cab sound better then direct amp with real cab - when you play in the room - but :D that's why i recorded also this 2 sample and when i listen now i like more direct + real cab.

    I listened to your samples thru my AKG K141.
    The studio profile sounds close to the original one, which is somehow spongier than the profile (a thing that i have fond with other amps).
    The merged profile is pretty poor. I'll check these days with 2.8 beta ant test if there's any difference with the 3.0.
    Even the merged+real cab is pretty far from the original.
    Direct amp + real cab is very nice, if you pair the volumes you have pretty similar results IMHO.

    The TSEX clips are fine but they all seem to be very different from the original one, except the last with real cab which comes closer.

    now think a moment and tell me What connect all samples that you like the most? :D Real cab? :D

    Stay Metal!

  • Yes, for sure it is.
    But i think that a lot of profiles come close to the original profiled sound, and mainly because of the cab.
    BTW i'm courious to know if this big difference between studio sound, standard profile and merged profile is related to the 3.0 bug (i don't know anything about it) or if the new algorithm just tries to take out an IR of the profiled cab, giving as a resul a less desirable result.

  • I was having a VERY frustrating problem with 3.0. I have made two what I think could be very nice profiles. I actually finally got a really good profile of a new cab I have that has vintage celestions that I saved in the process of making these profiles. I made a profile this morning of a Speedster amp I have using its small single speaker. I went through the normal process. Direct profile, normal profile and then merge the two. Sounds ok but when I go to either the merged profile, studio profile and load up this the cab I have saved it sounds wonderful after I hit the merge button. I mean it sounds really great. Then I try to save it, and it reverts back to the other cab. I can't get it to save the really nice merged profile sound. I've reread the manual and I am following what it says. Normally in the past, when I get to a good sound and hit the save button, it saves it all.

    So it sounds fantastic, but I can't save it. I've tried rebooting, etc. No Luck.

  • Just guessing that it has something to do with the thread about the midi accessibility of looper function in FW 2.7.4 and 2.8 and the fact that now it has been blocked on FW 3.0.

    My guess would be that people who have received REMOTE will need FW to use it, an OFFICIAL FW. No one can publicly suggest users to use some unofficial test versions as an only option.

  • My guess would be that people who have received REMOTE will need FW to use it, an OFFICIAL FW. No one can publicly suggest users to use some unofficial test versions as an only option.

    It's an agreeable point of view.
    Even if it doens't solve the question related to the important bugs on FW 3.0

  • Raoul, if I can just get it to save the sound I am hearing, it will be awesome. Sound wise, this appears to be a fairly big step forward to me. It seems easier to get an accurate profile quickly because the direct path takes the mic type and placement out of play. It is a bit more complicated to make the profile but it only takes a few tries to get comfortable with it. But it is also buggy. I have experienced some of the other issues discussed above.

  • Raoul, if I can just get it to save the sound I am hearing, it will be awesome. Sound wise, this appears to be a fairly big step forward to me. It seems easier to get an accurate profile quickly because the direct path takes the mic type and placement out of play. It is a bit more complicated to make the profile but it only takes a few tries to get comfortable with it. But it is also buggy. I have experienced some of the other issues discussed above.

    I'll just keep reading this thread and hopefully the KPA team will see all this and sort it. I do have faith that they will get there and all this valuable testing and feedback I think they will get there. Keep it up :)