Softbutton for Reference Cabinet

  • So when trying out different cabinets I would like to have a softbutton saying 'Set As Reference" and another "Load Reference Cab" and yet another "Load Current Cab"

    The Set as Reference functionality is self-explanatory as it refers to the current load cabinet for the amp to be used as a reference cabinet.

    As you select another cabinet from another amp one can toggle between the reference and the current by pressing "load reference cab" and "load current cab".

    It is very tedious to compare various cabinet on an amp if you have like 50 cabinets and can't jump easily to a reference amp that you like already.

    Does this makes sense ?

  • +1 not only for cabinet
    Any section should have a easy comparison between new setting and reference set.

    Actually I do not know if button quick on the left allows something similar

    Indeed. Completely agree.

    In fact, that is the one function I have always been perplexed has never been a feature on the KPA. It is one of those "no brainer" items.

    Almost every prior digital modeling amp I have owned, going back to the original Line 6 AX2 and spanning up through the more recent Digitech GSP1101 and Vox AD120VTH Blue (both of which I still own), feature a simple COMPARE button, which allows the user to, well, compare the most current state of an edited patch/preset (no matter how many steps of editing has been performed), with the original patch/preset. The KPA's "Undo/Redo" function is not the same. Although we call a stored/saved preset a "Rig", in Kemper terminology, the principle remains the same.

    Please add this feature, Kemper GmbH. :thumbup:

    Edit -- Woops, I may have spoken too soon with regards to the Digitech GSP1101. I just looked at my unit, and cannot find what I thought was there...i.e., a "compare" button. However, this function is definitely present on the Vox, as well as my Rocktron Xpression.multi-FX rack unit I have lying around.

    Edited 3 times, last by Tritium ().