Error message?

  • Kemper Stage

    Firmware version:

    First post here, I hate that it's about an error message. I opened a ticket last night, but I know it's sometimes 24-48 hours before they get back to you and I have a show tonight and tomorrow night and trying to decide if I need to find a backup or not?

    I was connected to Rig Manager on my PC (via USB) making some changes to my "morph" function (slowing it down), when my Stage threw this error the first time. I also had Rig Manager open on my iPad (to make some of the tweaks without having to walk over to my laptop every time).

    I figured I'd better do a backup, so I inserted a brand new USB thumb drive and tried formatting it... I must be impatient, because I pulled the thumb drive out when it looked like nothing was happening and I got the error again. I tried a 2nd time to format the drive, did the same thing (when it appeared inactive) and got the same error. I then backed up to a different thumb drive, which went fine, then tried the new one again. This time, I left it alone for a few minutes after hitting "format" and it seemed to work correctly this time and I was able to do a backup to it.

    Should I be concerned about this error message? Or could it be USB related?

    ** Forgot to mention, I just received it back from footswitch repair/replacement yesterday (fresh off the truck). Should I maybe do a factory reset?

  • I've had error messages pop up 6-8 times in the past couple of years, not really sure what they were associated with but after pressing Exit to restart everything worked as it should.

    Each time it's happened I've had rig manager hooked up, hasn't happened in a while though. Since it only occurred a few times and with some time in between each occurrence, and with different firmware versions I just attributed it as an occasional clitch, much like I've experienced with a pc on occasion. Hopefully that's what your experiencing.

  • I used to get this type of USB error several revisions back. I have not had this issue in the last year or so. I always restarted the Kemper and all was well.

    I am not sure why I stopped getting it or why it ever happened. One day it just stopped.

    It could have been:
    - I updated to a newer revision of Rig Manager / OS.

    - I used to have issues editing profiles on the Rig Exchange. Now I copy them local and then I edit them.

    - I may have moved the Kemper then put it back and it fixed itself? Bad contacts on the USB cable?

    - I was editing too fast and RM could not keep up? I try to pay attention to how busy RM is now rather than just slapping knobs all over real fast.

    - I edit everything as a local file in RM, then copy it to the Kemper. I dont use performances so I am not sure how that works.

    I think the Kemper manual states you should not connect thru a hub.

  • i’ve got that message, at least a dozen times over the past 10 years. I haven’t been able to find a pattern for it . I basically equate it to the blue screen of death with windows and just reboot and everything’s fine.