I deleted all my profiles I bought in the past except one vendor !

  • As the title says I deleted all my rigs from the big vendors that I bought from in the past and kept only from one ...

    Mattfigs profiles are my new favourites of all time ... once I heard these profiles the sound came alive immediately ! I could not believe I stayed with other rigs for so long without trying new stuff ... the clarity and "openess" is truly amazing ... the packs I bought are the SLO MOFO, the SHIVA and today the MARSHALL EXPERIMENT !

    Normally i'm not the type of guy to shout out for this, but he really deserves the kudos ! I can't wait for huge sales to come up to buy more from him !


    PS : on his website you can download lots of free samples from each pack (2 or more) ... curious if you guys like them as much as I do ...

    Kemper stage with 2 mission pedals (in a Thon line 6 FBV case) and a Zilla 212 (K-100/V30) , SD powerstage 700 poweramp

  • I bought the JCM800 and SLO 100 packs. The JCM was just okay for me but the SLO is very nice. Very close to my daily driver MBritt SLO profiles. It earned a spot on my Performance roster. Not easy to do. I've been through about a dozen SLO 100 packs. Thanks for the heads up.

  • OMG he did it again ... couldn't resist getting his liquid SLO and BE pack ...

    Back to the drawing board and replacing my rigs again ... damn you Mattfig ...


    Kemper stage with 2 mission pedals (in a Thon line 6 FBV case) and a Zilla 212 (K-100/V30) , SD powerstage 700 poweramp

  • I'll have to check those out! I'm about 2 years in with my kemper now and, while I haven't deleted anything, I'm finding myself using exclusively MBritt profiles for similar reasons to what you described. To me they just fulfill the sound in my head while also somehow sounding amazing both in isolation AND in a mix. I'll probably check out the SLO based on your recommendation. That's the one amp that eludes me. I've played a couple real ones and LOVED them but haven't found anything I really love for the kemper.


  • My take is that you will love the profiles that have:
    1) The sound you are looking for (amp/pickups/gain/EQ/etc).

    2) Been dialed in at the volume you will be playing them at.
    3) Been dialed in on similar equipment to your playback devices.

    1) You have to start with the correct sound/amp. Pickups are crucial to the sound also. Your personal taste also matters. if you like dark smooth tones vs gritty tones fully of bite for example.

    2) Due to your ears response, volume plays a significant role in how sounds are heard. Adding volume also increases the amount your playback devices amp will add to the sound. And the amount the speakers compression will affect the sound.

    3) If a sound is dialed in on a 12" speaker, it will sound a lot different on a high powered PA. And vice versa.

    So to me, these discussions of who is the best is almost meaningless unless you talk extensively about the music genre, guitar, pickups, monitoring solution, etc. For my purposes, the profiles I make myself are the best. But anyone else using them would say these are trash.

    I have not heard many people talk about how people author their profiles. I have only heard that MBritts sounds really good loud and thru a PA. So I assume he dials them in pretty loud in his studio with pretty good sized speakers. Or he just has a magic ear?

  • I erased em all. I can not stand paid profiles I just make my own. 3 years in an I am always left disappointed going to rig manager or checkin out tasters from vendors. I bought the tone junkie family pack once an can not for the life of me get the hype. Weeks ago I went an hired a matchless DC30 for 100 bucks and made stuff that I felt had the presence an realisim of the real thing. Better off doing that than buying profiles.