Is it possible to control the looper with Midi cc values alone?

  • Long Answer

    If you have a Midi Device, that allows you to send four CCs at once, it is very easy:

    Here are the commands:

    CC#=Controller Number, V=Value

    Rec/Play/Overdub: CC#99 V125, CC#98 V88, CC#06 V0, CC#38 V1 (on press), V0 (on release)

    Stop/Erase:CC#99 V125, CC#98 V89, CC#06 V0, CC#38 V1 (on press), V0 (on release)

    Undo:CC#99 V125, CC#98 V93, CC#06 V0, CC#38 V1 (on press), V0 (on release)

    TriggerCC#99 V125, CC#98 V90, CC#06 V0, CC#38 V1 (on press), V0 (on release)

    ReverseCC#99 V125, CC#98 V91, CC#06 V0, CC#38 V1 (on press), V0 (on release)

    1/2 SpeedCC#99 V125, CC#98 V92, CC#06 V0, CC#38 V1 (on press), V0 (on release)


    If you have a device that allows you to send two CCs at one time (like FCB 1010 etc.), it´s easy too:

    I have recognized that all commands need the same two controller numbers:

    CC#99 V125 and CC#38 V1

    The trick is to program one button as looper activator with these two values, if you set the midi running status “on”, the Kemper will keep this two CC#s in its g,memory until you power it off

    Then set up the other buttons:

    CC#=Controller Number, V=Value

    Rec/ Overdub: CC#98 V88, CC#38 V1

    Play:CC#98 V88, CC#38 V0

    Stop/Erase (press button 3 times): CC#98 V89, CC#38 V1

    Undo/Redo:CC#98 V93, CC#38 V1

    Trigger Start: CC#98 V90, CC#38 V1

    Trigger Stop: CC#98 V90, CC#38 V0

    Reverse/Unreversed: CC#98 V91, CC#38 V1

    1/2 Speed: CC#98 V92, CC#38 V1


    If you have a device that allows you to send only one CC# it´s a little tricky – you must split all the commands and put it on two buttons like this:

    Looper Activation:

    Button 1: CC#99 V125

    Button 2: CC#38 V1

    Rec/ Overdub:

    Button 1: CC#98 V88

    Button 2: CC#38 V1


    Button 1: CC#98 V88

    Button 2: CC#38 V0

    Stop/Erase (press both switches 3 times alternately in succession):

    Button 1: CC#98 V89

    Button 2: CC#38 V1


    Button 1: CC#98 V93

    Button 2: CC#38 V1

    Trigger Start:

    Button 1: CC#98 V90

    Button 2: CC#38 V1

    Trigger Stop:

    Button 1: CC#98 V90

    Button 2: CC#38 V0


    Button 1: CC#98 V91

    Button 2: CC#38 V1

    1/2 Speed:

    Button 1: CC#98 V92

    Button 2: CC#38 V1

    To retrieve the functions, both buttons must be pressed one after the other. This will work, but it´s a bit awkward to use (maybe for practical purposes).