Screen colour for individual profiles

  • Seriously - a guy took 500 captures in 3 days and had no problem sorting them to find favorites.

    …and you don’t care how he does it?

    That you don’t care how he organized them says you don’t want advice or suggestions. You want us to agree with you.

    I know exactly what you’re asking for. I disagree that it’s a good idea.

    You may think my idea for something not so far out falls on what tone junkie does? You may be a fan boy but I am not, an what he does is irrelevant to what I want. I think you just want to argue. Enjoy an goodbye.

  • I do very little tweaking in the profiler but have familiarized myself with the functions of the settings through the menus so that I can navigate through it if needed. One setting I never touched in the first five years of ownership was the screen color, or colours for fellow users dwelling on other land masses across the globe. A year ago I thought to myself "This may be more aesthetically pleasing with a different color", ....... wrong!

    There's a reason why I don't change my phone or desktops theme or background picture, for some reason it completely throws me off and makes it hard for me to navigate within the OS, even when I'm familiar with it. Same with the Kemper, I had to do an Init Global reset to get back the factory color after a couple of days of fumbling around just so I could navigate through the menus comfortably again. But this only applies to me, everyone's workflow and needs to facilitate that workflow varies and can evolve over time. I've moved on to using RM most of the time in the past year, even with bifocals my eyes can't be more than 12"-15" away from the Kempers screen, any further distance away and I can't read it🤓

  • The basic problem is that you can't keep track of your own rigs and effects. And you want a new feature, color, to help organize things for you. This is not a Kemper problem IMO. There are plenty of ways to organize all of this already in existence. I use RM to organize rigs, performances, effects, etc...I keep what is loaded onto the Profiler to a minimum.

    BTW, peeps and fanboys is probably not a good way to win anybody over to your side. The fact that you don't seem to know that is interesting.

  • Thanks. Carefull, you will get slaughtered here haha

    The issue is not your idea, its how you put it across, which is why you got the response you did.

    Remember, there is no tone or inflection in messages so the words become really important to convey tone and TBH you don't come across particularly well.

    I think your idea has some merit - the screen colour changes when you select a different effect to edit on the KPA so colours are clearly possible.

    It partially makes sense in performance mode when you glance down at the remote/stage to have another visual on what slot you are in so I could see Red for solo Green for clean as sometimes the display is difficult to read etc...BUT I tend to look at the numbers anyway...1 for clean 5 for solo etc so its not a problem that needs solving.

    Personally I see no reason in browse mode to try to colour code loads of profiles...favorites and naming is a much better way.

  • I think your idea has some merit - the screen colour changes when you select a different effect to edit on the KPA so colours are clearly possible.

    It partially makes sense in performance mode when you glance down at the remote/stage to have another visual on what slot you are in so I could see Red for solo Green for clean as sometimes the display is difficult to read etc...BUT I tend to look at the numbers anyway...1 for clean 5 for solo etc so its not a problem that needs solving.

    Personally I see no reason in browse mode to try to colour code loads of profiles...favorites and naming is a much better way.

    I’m not sure about that one Guy. On the Stage this may be possible but not the Remote. Although the main screen on the Rack/Head have 64 colour options, changing these doesn’t change the screen colour on the Remote. I don’t know if the screen in the remote is different from the KPA itself and can’t change colour or this ability simply hasn’t been activated. If it can’t be activated on the Remote then making it possible on the Stage would kind of go against Kemper’s basic philosophy of keeping all units the same.

    Given that there several other areas that more people are asking for and the team have limited resources I don’t see this being implemented anyway. There are still a lot of players saying that the profiling algorithm isn’t perfect and new kids on the block like ToneX and QC do a better job. I think it is more likely that the majority of users would prefer Kemper to direct resources towards things like that than a colour changing screen option.

    I personally don’t see this as being a benefit as a feature in either Browser or Performance mode but I respect other’s right to a different opinion.

  • As one in eight males suffer from colour blindness, and many, many more have issues and difficulty in discerning differentiation between particular hues.

    The idea that colour coding different profiles to identify different amplifier types, would appear to be a potentially hazardous venture, liable to promote difficulties for a significant percentage of users.

    If we were in the world of politics, civil servants would describe implementing such a policy to their minister, as a “courageous decision!”

    This is polite English code for: “that is a completely daft idea which will likely force you to have to resign from your post in the government”

    Yes Prime Minister, the carbon tax is a very courageous decision - YouTube      😊

    One thing I find difficult to understand about this matter, is that whilst if it was declaimed that “everyone ears are slightly different along with our brains recollection of sound,” everyone would nod their heads together in concert, like head bangers at a heavy rock concert, wholly in agreement.

    Yet it is equally true that everyone’s eyes are different, and many perceive hues of colour quite differently, along with their brain’s recollection of them. Thus, distinguishing closely related areas of the spectrum, is very problematic, dangerously so for some.

    Hence, ideal colour design parameters for many devices, audio meters and Kemper amps in particular, should necessarily confine the available choice to those which are most helpful and least problematic, to the widest number of people.

    I am arguing for industry leading standardisation in colour in regard to design and function that work optimally for the majority of users.

    Thus, even if someone’s vision was very seriously impaired, and for example they were unable to tell the difference between red and green, sat in their car, at traffic lights.

    By having standardisation in colour, utilised on critically important positions of an audio meter, or an operating function in a Kemper amplifier. As with traffic lights, seeing that positional area illuminated, the visually impaired user, would never the less readily comprehend, what that meant, what is going on, what they should do.

    I find it best to listen to product designers and feel it would be foolish to have the temerity to presume to tell them their job. As is the habit of some.

    There is a place to make suggestions but usually, far more and better can be gleaned where designers and manufacturers are concerned, by listening than talking.

    With all due respect, none of us are in a position to demand anything from Kemper and as a non-personal point, in general, my experience with people that go around making such demands, is that they lack maturity.

    Perhaps suffering from infantilism. Behaviour that worked successfully as a child with doting parents, but should have been dispensed with in teenage years, and never allowed to remain in adulthood. Childish outbursts are the result.

    So, allow me to categorically declaim that it makes no difference whatever to me, what colours are desired, included or used by anyone.

    Such a vivid range of colour choice, definitely will make a difference to YOU, if it’s what you want. But as will become clear, some things we want, just aren’t good for us. Even if Kemper included them.

    We understand and interpret life, multi-modally, derived from the function of our senses, processed within our brain.

    The brain, not only processes such input, but also actively prioritises the relative importance, it assigns to differing stimuli as they occur.

    Cynosure prioritisation of particular senses, inevitably involves temporal suppression of other senses. Whilst sound involves specific areas of the brain.

    Music encompasses many different areas of the brain, enacting simultaneously.

    A chain of neural processing stations from the ear and auditory nerve, form a pathway to the highest hierarchical level, the auditory cortex.

    Differing facets of musical sound on that path, are processed simultaneously. Front, back, top, bottom, inside and outside, by almost every part of the brain.

    This is how music can awaken emotions in people with Alzheimer’s.

    Gain in one, pitch in another, rhythm in another, beat in another, tempo in another.

    All brought together in that cortex where deeply and profoundly moved, we fully experience the emotional power, of beauteously expressed, memorable music.

    Here’s the salient point!

    By nature, we possess an instinctive proclivity to accommodate dominant influence to the presence of strong visual stimulus, over all other senses.

    As music is processed, involving many differing areas of the brain. As a natural function of prioritisation under such circumstance, it is understandably susceptible to increasing suppression and reduction, resulting from visual stimulus.

    Thus, any preoccupation with visual theatrics likely to excite and stimulate via the eye, will accordingly to some degree, negatively affect the brain’s ability to optimally appreciate, musical stimulus, singularly for itself. Albeit in a seamless manner we are principally, totally unconscious of, absorbed elsewhere as we would become, with vivid light.

    You are standing with a friend talking, but become aware they are not taking in what you are saying.

    They gaze into the middle distance and you perceive that their mind is fully concentrating, such that signals they normally receive from other sensory channels, are actively suppressed. A sensory overload protection.

    You are hard at work physically. Its demanding and you are focussing strongly on what you are doing. Later, you undress for a shower, and find a large bruise or a long cut covered in dried blood. Your concentration was elsewhere, such that your brain, subconsciously suppressed both pain and your awareness of it.

    The delight, attention and preoccupation with vividly eye-catching colours we all enjoy, thus negatively detracts and reduces the totally optimised appreciation of auditory stimulus in music, we identify as paramount, and claim to seek.

    We will physiologically fail to be capable of completely absorbing and appreciating, absolutely optimally, and that is the point, the full pleasurable experience available in music.

    As visual stimulus exerts predominance, gains attention and increases dependence, progressively attributing greater significance to their importance.

    Its why live performers get away with performances that wouldn’t make a C.D.

    True story, the late Tom Dowd, once painted over all the recording meters on their Large Format Recording Console at Atlantic Records.

    The moral of that is, music is best experienced not by the eye, but rather, by the ear. So, listening to the sound and utilising the established methods of organisation, is really what I would encourage you to do.

    With all due respect.

    Here’s the thing, short and concise.

    I can back up my viewpoint, with scientific evidence, and over one hundred years of broader, empirical and anecdotal evidence.

    Can you?

  • You are my favourite poster at the moment as ever response is a dissertation and takes me 10 mins to read and 20 mins to understand it :)..

  • I’m not sure about that one Guy. On the Stage this may be possible but not the Remote. Although the main screen on the Rack/Head have 64 colour options, changing these doesn’t change the screen colour on the Remote. I don’t know if the screen in the remote is different from the KPA itself and can’t change colour or this ability simply hasn’t been activated. If it can’t be activated on the Remote then making it possible on the Stage would kind of go against Kemper’s basic philosophy of keeping all units the same.

    Given that there several other areas that more people are asking for and the team have limited resources I don’t see this being implemented anyway. There are still a lot of players saying that the profiling algorithm isn’t perfect and new kids on the block like ToneX and QC do a better job. I think it is more likely that the majority of users would prefer Kemper to direct resources towards things like that than a colour changing screen option.

    I personally don’t see this as being a benefit as a feature in either Browser or Performance mode but I respect other’s right to a different opinion.

    Good point, I assumed the remote can change colour.

    I also agree that its very low down in the priority list for me :)

  • Are you married? You actually pulled out the colour blind card haha.

  • Quote from Crispy Panther

    Such a vivid range of colour choice, definitely will make a difference to YOU, if it’s what you want. But as will become clear, some things we want, just aren’t good for us. Even if Kemper included them.

    Panther old boy, I think all you really needed to say is contained in the above. To paraphrase - be careful what you wish for because you just might get it 🤣

  • I

    And that's why you get a negative response....

    Colour blindness is not " a card", it is regarded as a disability that is accounted for in many UX designs.

    does it seem i care? you guys are nuts. Way overboard an over critical. Someone posted on gear page that kemper peeps were just as bad as the fb gibson group. I dont need you telling me off like my mother dude i mean really. I said it be good to have colour designation for profiles an the negative an overboard responses have humoured me. That repsonse from crispy is way overboard an him pulling the colour blind card is radiculous but ofcoase some white night politicly correct one has to leave me no room to wiggle. Next I will be called a racist or something. Its insane. My wording has been in defense an thats the way i conduct myself. I wasnt rude just a little wtf. These intellectual, long, critical, opinionated replies are insane. An then when I say something someone goes, oh you cant throw ya dolly just because we do not agree haha. It feels like a witch hunt now. I will refrain from posting again an be a observer. Very welcoming group. 2 wrongs do not make a right an some replies here have not exactly been heartfelt either. Are you married? Its a joke. Black humour, maybe you guys need to develope some . Enjoy your blue screens amigos.

  • I

    does it seem i care? you guys are nuts. Way overboard an over critical. Someone posted on gear page that kemper peeps were just as bad as the fb gibson group. I dont need you telling me off like my mother dude i mean really. I said it be good to have colour designation for profiles an the negative an overboard responses have humoured me. That repsonse from crispy is way overboard an him pulling the colour blind card is radiculous but ofcoase some white night politicly correct one has to leave me no room to wiggle. Next I will be called a racist or something. Its insane. My wording has been in defense an thats the way i conduct myself. I wasnt rude just a little wtf. These intellectual, long, critical, opinionated replies are insane. An then when I say something someone goes, oh you cant throw ya dolly just because we do not agree haha. It feels like a witch hunt now. I will refrain from posting again an be a observer. Very welcoming group. 2 wrongs do not make a right an some replies here have not exactly been heartfelt either. Are you married? Its a joke. Black humour, maybe you guys need to develope some . Enjoy your blue screens amigos.

    You clearly do care else you wouldn't take the time to respond to make comments about the community and now about me.

    I tried to see through your crap as a sensible suggestion, but hey, you cleary don't see it that way.

    Probably is best if you just become an observer if you can't communicate without antagonizing others and you can continue to blame everyone else in your own world....