Sounds awful after update (Resolved)

  • Please don't start from the assumptiuon, that every issue you experience must be caused by the last update. Especially since you experience such a generic and obvious issue while thousands of users have updated successfully without such an issue.

    Check your settings, check your peripherals, narrow in if all outputs are affected .... the usual stuff.

  • Yes Burkhard, I've done all that.

    tried all outputs, different cables, spdif.

    I posted 5 hours after I began troubleshooting the problem and only then to see if anyone had been experiencing the same thing.

  • All of the above tested.

    I'd like to roll back to the previous os but after 2 hours of reading and searching I can't figure out how to do that.

    Please forgive me If I come across as incompetent or rude, I'm Autistic and after the first couple of hours of trying to figure things out I can become quite flustered.

  • No hurt feelings!

    Please check the KEMPER download page at Operating System Versions here

    Download OS 8.7.20 and install that revision via USB flash drive. Instructions are included in the package.

  • All of the above tested.

    I'd like to roll back to the previous os but after 2 hours of reading and searching I can't figure out how to do that.

    Please forgive me If I come across as incompetent or rude, I'm Autistic and after the first couple of hours of trying to figure things out I can become quite flustered.

    I tried to revert to 8.7.20 a couple of times this morning with no luck after much reading I realized the Kemper had to be on when I inserted the USB stick. I was inserting the USB stick and then turning the Kemper on

    "Faith don't need no second opinion"

  • I don't really like to say much on here because my knowledge about these things is not the best. Here is a shot in the dark. I had a similar problem when I found that my sound had changed dramatically. If you look at your output you have a low cut and a high cut. If you scroll using the scroll wheel its very easy to hit them and change them by mistake. Check to make sure they are in their proper place or maybe it will sound like a 1" driver.

  • Here is a shot in the dark.

    Hearing the OP say they are using a USB stick instead of a PC makes me wonder if the unit needed to be moved to update it? This would mean connections may have been changed.

    If you have a STEREO connection and it is not plugged in correctly you get phase cancellation and it will sound thin and weird.

    I am not sure what happens if using balanced connections and they are not connected fully?

    Best of luck OP, we are all here praying for you <3

  • Thank you Tony G!

    The high pass in the output was cutting at 800hz.

    I hadn't actually been there since the update so how that happened is anyone's guess.

    Thanks for the suggestions everyone.

  • Please don't start from the assumptiuon, that every issue you experience must be caused by the last update. Especially since you experience such a generic and obvious issue while thousands of users have updated successfully without such an issue.

    Please donā€™t assume the Kemper customers are morons.

    Arenā€™t you here to help?

  • Please donā€™t assume the Kemper customers are morons.

    Arenā€™t you here to help?

    If you read Burkhard posts in this thread it should be clear that he was helping. There was nothing in his posts which suggested he thought anyone was a moron. He merely pointed out that it is all to easy to jump to the conclusion that the most recent update is the problem when there are plenty of other equally (or more) likely causes. In this case it turned out he was correct and the problem was simply a setting in the output menu.