Gun to your head - what's your favourite profile

  • The Bulb profiles made from the Axe-FX by a user named Justin are great in my opinion. Lovely clean, brutal rhythm with clarity and a nice lead sound. The rhythm profile is so good paired with my guitar that I turn my Kemper on daily to play with it, even if it's only for 10 minutes.

  • New in love with the Morgan AC 20. I like the sound with a fuzz distortion in slot c and a wah in front. Many guys don't like Prince, but imo he's an excellent guitar player and the lead sound from Purple Rain is awesome. Try this profile with a fuzz stomp, delay and a little reverb. The lead sound is in the ballpark. Much fun to play different things with it, because it rocks!

  • Just finished the downloads of the free rigs from TAF,topjimi,Mbritt..more will follow.These profiles are so good.Can´t believe it,not difficult to hear all the expiriece and know how about recording guitars from these guys.As soon as I will have more money "to invest" they all will hear from me.. But I want also to give a big thank you to all the other guys in the rig exchange.So many nice rigs.Found some unbelieveable good profiles from "unknown" guys or "non-pros"Btw..why are guys like fastredponycar or r.u.sirius not posting here in this blog;I dont see them around.

    Anyway.This is the best thread to say this;VERY BIG THANK YOU GUYS!

    Lost a lot of my lust for playing guitar during the last few years..You gave it back to me.Keep it up.

  • New in love with the Morgan AC 20. I like the sound with a fuzz distortion in slot c and a wah in front. Many guys don't like Prince, but imo he's an excellent guitar player and the lead sound from Purple Rain is awesome. Try this profile with a fuzz stomp, delay and a little reverb. The lead sound is in the ballpark. Much fun to play different things with it, because it rocks!

    This is a great tip. Thank you! ;)

  • This is a great tip. Thank you! ;)

    Normally i use the distortion dirctely from the amp without stomp distortion, but this profile is genius. I have setted it to low gain, clean sense a little up and than i discoverd the fuzz distortion, it blows me away because i reached directely these prince soundig and singing lead sound. Big smile on my face ( ok i come out, i am a prince fan, have seen him many times live and he rocks the house)

  • R.u.sirius posts here a lot. In face you should do a search for him in the free rigs subforum. He no longer shares rigs on the Kemper Rig Exchange bc people were giving him one star ratings (obviously unjustified or having unrealistic expectations given what he was actually profiling). He still posts lots of rigs through dropbox links in threads.

    FRP is great also but havent seen his name in a while. Also check out Jevo, DJEMass, and GRStudios.

  • R.u.sirius posts here a lot. In face you should do a search for him in the free rigs subforum. He no longer shares rigs on the Kemper Rig Exchange bc people were giving him one star ratings (obviously unjustified or having unrealistic expectations given what he was actually profiling). He still posts lots of rigs through dropbox links in threads.

    FRP is great also but havent seen his name in a while. Also check out Jevo, DJEMass, and GRStudios.

    I'm glad that r.u. sirius is still sharing profiles here, some of my favorites are his.

  • Quote

    He no longer shares rigs on the Kemper Rig Exchange bc people were giving him one star ratings (obviously unjustified or having unrealistic expectations given what he was actually profiling)

    One more proof that most people dont know what respect means.He made some killer profiles.


    FRP is great also but havent seen his name in a while.

    This is very sad.FRPC has one profile I really use a lot.The "Splawn Nitro".With a little tweaking (less presence,more bass,mid and treble) I dig this special one very much.


    Also check out Jevo, DJEMass, and GRStudios.

    I already have.Very cool profiles.Like them a lot.There are many guys with just one profile (like @nico and his MKV profile or a guy (his name is @Hill I think) who made a killer 50W-plexi profile which sound not good with a Les Paul but is a killer with a Strat.

    There are so many guys out there who try their best.The guys who give "one star ratings" to players who really care and work to make a lot of profiles should re-think their mentality.

  • I remember from line 6 days, it was commonplace for patches to get 1 star almost immediately. I always figured it was bots, or disgruntled trolls. I wish he hadnt taken it so personally, but glad he still makes and shares profiles - hes had lots of killer ones, between all his pedal ones and the shivas. Hes a 5-star guy!

  • No doubt.. Stymphalian prod. Mesa pack .. Insane for my Ibanez 7 (lundgren) and ibanez rg2228 (stock emg)
    Going to buy Mesa pack 2 and the bass pack for sure! Have used the Mesa along with my own 5150 profile.. and now I have all I need... well for now ;)

  • Ask me today and you'll get one answer. Ask me tomorrow and it will be something different. That's why I bought a KPA!

    Too right! Kind of an unfair question. There should at least be (2) selections and just take the bullet. LOL

    However, if I only had one, I have to go with rmpacheco's Morgan AC20 selection as well.
    (A near second for me would be JHL's, AC30 & Twin)

    Either of these profiles offer me terrific tones across the board with only gain changes.
    (Sticking to the one choice constraint)

    Interestingly (due to backups and such) I have several versions of the AC20 and the oldest one I have (dated 4-15-2012) oddly enough sounds a tad better than what's available on RigMaster today.

    I checked and all the profile details report being the same.
    Clean & Distortion sense are also defaulted.
    I then reckoned this against any kind of "placebo" thing, but sure enough, this version simply seems to Rock a little bit better. Go figure. :/

    Happy Kemper