Thomann's top sellers

  • Here are Thomann's top sellers in the Guitar & Bass category :

    [Blocked Image:]

    OK Here is my take:
    - Kemper is selling a lot of units, and this is only the unpowered rack; if we could add the black and white toasters, and all their powered counterparts, it would certainly rank higher
    - #5 is a foot controller because the kemper lacks one
    - #2 and #4 are loopers because the kemper lacks one
    - #1 #3 and #6 are cheap Bugera tube amps, because still, those people buying Kempers can't think of owning a rig without tubes somewhere ^^

    So we can say everybody's moving to kemper. Pretty obvious now :D

  • have you looked at the Top10 in the Preamps section at Thomann?

    Sure! It's full of Kempers and (more or less advanced) foot controllers :thumbup:
    You can notice the Behringer UCG102, a USB audio interface, one thing that the kemper is lacking too. That all makes sense.

  • The ranking at Thomann are more likely created by sales volume, rather than items sold.
    But nobody knows the exact formula.
    Our ranking is split into five different profiler versions now.
    Last year, when only one version was available, we climbed up to #4 of all items (!) that Thomann carries.
    That was when boutique dealers said the Profiler is a hard-to-sell product :)
    And some dealers still think that.

    In the USA we have a regular strong market share. There is no evidence that US made products are preferred.

  • I tried - a very good friend of mine, "boutique dealer", was not convinced that he had the customers, who were looking for (ready for) "modelling" amps. He still does not offer/sell it.
    Got mine from Thomann (Jan 12)!


    90% of the game is half-mental.

  • Btw:
    Who bought their Profiler at an "analog" store?
    Or who tried to do so?
    How was your experience?

    I had planned to buy mine in Carouge, Switzerland, because it was about 10% cheaper (due to lower VAT I think) and I live near the FR/SW border.
    By the time I got the money they were...out of stock !

  • Btw:
    Who bought their Profiler at an "analog" store?
    Or who tried to do so?
    How was your experience?

    My first experience was at store,i really liked how it sounded.
    The problem was the price ,because at that store the owner was selling the kemper with a considerable higher price tag than in Thomann(kinda greedy).

    Needless to say i didn't bought mine there.Still it's a store full of "analog stuff" really well known for it's boutique amps/pedals etc,and people who were listening to the kemper on that day were really impressed by it.

    It's a real winner,but you probably know that ;)

  • Btw:
    Who bought their Profiler at an "analog" store?
    Or who tried to do so?
    How was your experience?

    Probably doesn't really qualify as an "analog store" but I bought mine at Session Music in Frankfurt - or Musik Schmidt as I still prefer to call it ;)

    They do sell online and match Thomann prices but I live only half an hour away so I like driving by and picking up the stuff myself. I also like talking to the good people there.

    They asked me if I wanted to test it, but I just wanted to get it as quickly as I could and carry it home. The rep was well informed but wasn't aware of the growing number of user rigs so we talked a bit and I told him I had already prepared a collection of rigs from rig-exchange to try as soon as I got home.

    He also said they were selling it in larger amounts and mine was the last black one they had in stock. The rep also said I should report what I think of it since they were always interested in customer experience. I don't remember every part of the talk but I remember one sentence of the rep in particular: "This is not an amp, this is ALL amps".

    All in all and though they still mostly carrying expensive analog equipment, they seem to like it very much and the fact it sells pretty well might also be to their liking ;)

  • I bought mine also "analog" ^^

    Hieber-Lindberg in Munich is a fantastic store and Claudio Quarta, the sales man, is a nice guy - an awesome guitarist as well!!! :thumbup:
    They also can match Thomann prices and you get alway very, very useful tips and tricks!!!

  • Btw:
    Who bought their Profiler at an "analog" store?
    Or who tried to do so?
    How was your experience?

    ich habe im juni 2012 versuchet über die musikkiste in peine einen zu bekommen, die haben gleich 2-3 bestellt, aber leider nie einen bekommen, habe ihn dann, nach einem monat warten, bei just music in hamburg erstanden (hätte aber auch gern meine musikalienhändler des vertrauens den deal gegönnt)

  • I had planned to buy mine in Carouge, Switzerland, because it was about 10% cheaper (due to lower VAT I think) and I live near the FR/SW border.
    By the time I got the money they were...out of stock !

    I just bought one over there yesterday, now they again are out of stock

  • Because the price was fixed I asked my local dealer (little shop) if he could sell me one.
    (He didn't know the toaster...)
    He had to make the contract with kemper amps and a few days later I got it ... :thumbup: