Line 6 Helix - next gen guitarist's wet dream..?

  • Yes of course. Which is why I said that a PC editor is a must for a floor based unit. I guess a rack would be better if you didn't have a PC though.

    One other thing is that the Kemper requires very little tweaking in my opinion ;)

    Agreed on all counts, mate.

  • From the point of view of someone who plays hand wired amps, Neve preamp etc. if I was going to buy a modelling system tomorrow it would be the Kemper.

    The models are a little different when compared side by side often by very very small amounts but basically sound real and are smooth and I don't notice any weird phase to the dirt.

    I have found with modelling stuff that it tends to sound either real but has a harshness to it, or is smooth but lacks that reach out and touch it three dimensionality, hard to explain. Same with virtual analogue synths.

    I am getting an impression of the Helix being on the smooth side but missing the sense of realness. However I need to hear the amp models flat without effects to be sure. Real amps can soon lose the sense of the amp being 'there' when plastered with effects also.

    I have also heard some third party commercial stuff for the Kemper of old Marshalls, a Vox etc. recently that are really stunningly good.

    School's out on the Helix for now. ?(

  • The integration with the Profiler is obviously awesome...and I don't have any trouble with reading the display (so far......) I just feel they could have done better! ...what with the standard of the powered rack.and again, with scribble strips you could assign/edit the switches to do (and display) what you want!

    this is part of what i'm talkin about

  • Quote

    Run the Kemper in one of the loops.

    That would be ideal, if I had all the money in the world and didn't mind the additional footprint and complexity. Alas, neither of these things are true for me.


    If you value tube tone and variety of amps I predict regret in the future for any that sell the Kemper for this.

    It's a little different for me, because I'd already decided to sell the Kemper before I saw the Helix announcement. Helix just conveniently turned up as a "point B". If I don't like it, I'll return it and go back to using software and tube amps as the situation dictates. And if I find I regret selling the Kemper, I'll buy another one. The mistake will have cost me a couple hundred bucks if it comes to that, but right now I want to investigate some alternatives.

  • the helix is imo the best looking guitar processor BUT i has menus that`s one reason why i will never go back to a axe fx or something with that kind of a menu system ... that`s why i love the kemper so much, i finally spend time with recording and playing because every routing option and stuff is so damn fast ...

    and the other thing is -> highgain ... the more gain the more you`ll hear how much a processor sucks ... so as long as there are now sound samples of highgain amps i`m not impressed ... but damn it looks good :D

    but the fuzzy character within some samples i heard is great and the highs sounded clean an not fizzy ...

  • Why don't you guys see it this way: IF the helix sounds any good, which remains to be heard, you might simply take a profile of it and keep the Kpa. :)

    I am getting rid of the KPA as much for the clunky interface as the fact that I can't get it to sound the way I want it to. There is no debating that the KPA is an incredible machine, it just isn't for me.

  • Did you ever try reading the manual, Mathias? I remember you saying that you prefer to just work out things on your own. Even though the KPA is pretty straightforward on the surface, you can dive in pretty deeply. At those depths, the manual is your oxygen tank!

  • i agree ... till i bought the kemper i had so much stuff and the kemper had the fastest interface ever! well the interface of the line6 vetta i had was great too...

    but maybe the problem is within the profiling, i mostly have problems with profiles i downloaded or bought somehow the profiles i made myself sound best ...

  • i mostly have problems with profiles i downloaded or bought somehow the profiles i made myself sound best ...

    That makes perfect sense. One man's grail tone is another man's wasp-in-a-bottle. Profiling your own amps and capturing the sounds that you're used to is of course the best, fastest and easiest way to achieve satisfaction with the Kemper.

  • As much as I love the Kemper, I have to say the manuals aren't very good. They are easy to read, but do not provide all of the information in a clear and concise form. Nor does it seem to explain how various functions interact. I have had to do internet searches on some items I couldn't find in the manual, only to later see it was in the manual but buried in a section where it could not intuitively be found.

    One of my functions in my day job is to write technical manuals and application documents, and I often read manuals on equipment before buying it (read the Kemper manuals as soon as I bought one). Even after reading the manual I didn't have much of the info.

    That being said, the manual does read well and looks great, and obviously some care and time was taken in creating it. But it may have the issue that occurs in many small companies; the engineers that design the gear also write the manuals. This is almost never a good thing as items are left out or misplaced by those that deal with them on a daily basis.

  • As much as I love the Kemper, I have to say the manuals aren't very good. They are easy to read, but do not provide all of the information in a clear and concise form. Nor does it seem to explain how various functions interact. I have had to do internet searches on some items I couldn't find in the manual, only to later see it was in the manual but buried in a section where it could not intuitively be found.

    One of my functions in my day job is to write technical manuals and application documents, and I often read manuals on equipment before buying it (read the Kemper manuals as soon as I bought one). Even after reading the manual I didn't have much of the info.

    That being said, the manual does read well and looks great, and obviously some care and time was taken in creating it. But it may have the issue that occurs in many small companies; the engineers that design the gear also write the manuals. This is almost never a good thing as items are left out or misplaced by those that deal with them on a daily basis.

    I like the new youtube video tutorials!
    would love to see some vids about fx!

  • @nEVH5150

    Just get it, you won't be sorry... Doesn't do dirt, but it does anything else in spades. Just sick.

    How easy is it to integrate the h9 (Max) with the KPA...?

    I'm guessing it just sits in the mono fx loop of the Kemper (with a slot enabled) and you send MIDI PC messages to the h9 ...? How simple is it to program MIDI PC changes via the Kemper?

    (FLOOR) Kemper Remote w/ Mission exp + EB VP
    (RACK) Kemper PowerRack

  • As much as I love the Kemper, I have to say the manuals aren't very good. They are easy to read, but do not provide all of the information in a clear and concise form. Nor does it seem to explain how various functions interact. I have had to do internet searches on some items I couldn't find in the manual, only to later see it was in the manual but buried in a section where it could not intuitively be found.

    I don't agree. IMO, the Kemper (reference) manual is one of the best I had. I can find nearly any information I need. However, I don't really use the table of contents, as I just search the PDF for keywords.

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  • Eurgh how I wish the Kemper Remote looked like this.....

    THOSE scribble strips with Kemper integration and one cable would have been the ultimate! + the option of the same screen on the Kemper remote as the Profiler itself (with the identical ability to change colour)...would have been perfect.

    (FLOOR) Kemper Remote w/ Mission exp + EB VP
    (RACK) Kemper PowerRack