Not so easy come,,,,, But really easy to Go!!!!!!

  • Well Guy's, I brought my Kemper Beauty home about a week and a half a go. along with a New Friedman ASM-12 from Sweetwater,,, And now I only have a couple of picture's of my Dream rig????
    Went to a company party last night, came back home 3 hours later, and knew something was a foot. Door looked jacked up from 30 feet away, but when I pushed it open, it looked like somebody turned my house upside down, then shook it!! Stole mostly, easy to grab stuff but trashed the place in the process. Lost the KPA the Friedman plus 8 guitars hanging on the wall 65'' TV 55'' TV all of the wife's jewelry, 2 lap tops, luck they were older and not being used and dead,,,ect,ect!!
    PoPo took a ton of finger prints, but you know how that will work out. And I didn't include it on our home insurance yet, so I'm probably out all of the funds on the KPA and Friedman.
    And life throws you a curve ball,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Splattttttttttt ;(

  • Shhhhhhiiiiiiiiitttttt! So sorry to hear that, man. Not just about the Kemper but the thought of people intruding into your home is a frightening one. I hope they catch the bastards.

    Chin up!

  • Truly gutted for you :( On the bright side, Kempers aren't that common, so maybe one coming up for sale will be easily spotted. Anything special about the guitars? Really hope you get a positive result from the boys in blue.

    Just a thought, maybe it might be an idea to post on these forums where you are based and then members on here that are in the same country/state can keep their eyes and ears open......

  • Just terrible, so sorry to hear that!!! Don't know what area you're located in, but as mentioned above, maybe some pics or descriptions of your gear could help us be on the lookout. You never know where gear travels to and ends up these days. I've had friends actually end up finding some of their stuff that was stolen ,believe it or not, it can happen. Best of luck!!

  • I hope the coppers catch um and let you have 10 minutes with them after their lovely evening in the freezers..... Thawing out beat up is a real beotch. :evil:

    If you use FRFR the benefit of a merged profile is that the cabinet is totally separated in the profile.

    For my edification only... ;) Kemper/Axe-FX III/ Quad Cortex user

  • That is so messed up.
    I would be livid!
    I have a handful of toys so all 2 :) of my friends know not to bring anyone even slightly questionable to my abode.

    That would be really cool if the registration would help.

    Good Luck.

  • If you have not done it, register your KPA and it's S/N with Kemper.

    I had mine stolen over a year ago, and recently it looks like it may have popped up through someone trying to register it again. I haven't recovered it yet but Kemper has been working on trying to help me with it. If you have a record of the S/N it likely will pop up again and you may be able to recover it.

  • Yep, I'm with Griff on this, and Bilbo too:

    Did you register the KPA on this site? If so, maybe worth contacting Kemper just in case it get's sold further down the line, and the buyer tries to register it. Worth a shot.....

    As I said in the other thread, Jokester, I so, so feel your loss.

    You must be as mad as a hornet's nest on fire, bud... and so soon after your KempAdventure™ started..

  • Wow!! What a day!! I took off yesterday to start putting my house back together, faxing a picture and Ser# of my Kemper to every music store and pawn shop we could find in the ph. book. And about 4:00 yesterday things took a turn!! A kid I let mow my lawn when he's strapped for cash, rolls up with a couple of friends, and tells me they saw a van parked in the driveway last night, the same one that was there a few weeks ago. Since they didn't see my truck they went up to the door to knock, and some guy came to the door and said they were working, and I'd be back soon. They said the guy was acting weird, so they wrote the plate number down, and went to get his Dad to check it out. When they returned, he said not more than 5 min's later the van was gone, so they went back home. So we called the popo, and they sent an officer out to talk with the 3 kids, and got the same story from all of them. So he said we will get in touch when we learn more. Well we just had hard wood flooring installed in our dinning room, so I knew all there information too.
    I couldn't sleep last night or the night before, foolishly thinking they might return?? And I'll deal with them Mafia Style,,,sure Dirty Harry,, lol
    Well about 9:00 this morning, a buddy from a tiny music store called me, and said he got my Fax but didn't see it till this morning, and said he just bought my Kemper yesterday afternoon from some guy that clearly had no idea of what he was selling. So being a wheeler dealer, he said he could give him 350.00 for the box because it's the old model, and hard to sell. Well the tool jumped on the 350, and all of his info too?? Total Rocket Science student!!! Said he called the popo and gave them all the info, and said they had made a huge bust about 5:00 this morning, and to call the officer that wrote my report Monday.
    Well I don't have my Baby back yet, but I know who does, and hopefully I'll see at least some of the rest of my gear. After the dust cleared yesterday so to speak,,, cleaning that mess,, These pro's left my 6118 Annie and my Suhr Strat and they were cased up and easy to grab. Trying to find the good out of the bad, or I'll start crying like a man baby,, lol
    And still have my 11R and 2 PE 60's they also missed, so all is not lost. And like one of the poster said, get an alarm that hit's your cell phone in times of trouble! I'm searching for that next week fo show. Honesty, getting ripped sucks!! But have a bunch of people you don't know bouncing around your house, tearing it up is more unnerving!!! Kept my 9mm close both nights, and many more to come. Thanks Guy's for the Support!!! and hide your Loved Ones when your not home!!! I'll post more as I find out more!! Got go throw some cash at those 3 Watch Dogs for watching my back ;)